16 Kasım 2012 Cuma


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SECESSION IS ABSOLUTELY  LAWFUL  AND DOABLEBy:Michael SilverhawkNationalRefounders Empowerment CenterN.R.E.C
In 1994 I was the crafter of a new proposed amendment to theconstitution called the REFOUNDING AMENDMENT whereby  if adopted by 38 states, the super majoritynecessary to ratify an amendment, then the Federal Government would have beendissolved and a new one formed without all the usurpation of power andtyranny.   This move of power was backedup by the Declaration of Independence. You know, when government becomes our enemy we have the right and the“duty” to dissolve said government and establish new guards for our futuresecurity?  We were desperately trying towarn the people that there was a monster on the loose and got our heads intothe noose.  You know that now, don't you.  That being understood one must realize that the Federal Governmentis the creature of the state republics not the other way around.  The several states in 1789 were very wary ofthe proposed new central government and would not ratify it until Jeffersoninstalled the Bill of Rights that further clarified the rights and powers ofthe several states and the people, who, by divine right “are” the government.This contract included their right to secede if they didn't like the way thingswere going.  IE: The South. This bringsto mind the statement made by Mel Gibson in “The Patriot” film.  “Why should I exchange one tyrant 3000 milesaway for 3000 tyrants one mile away.”It is a silly joke for the states to ask “permission????”  of the federal government to secede?  You don’t need permission you sillygeese.  We the several states have allthe power period.  We have all thewealth, all the money, all the people, all the land and all the guns.  We are the sovereigns if we so choose toexercise it.  The federal governmentshould be on its knees begging for forgiveness. “Oh please masters, give me one more chance, I promise to shape up andbe good.”   What a windfall of wealth andpower for the state governments.  We canform a new Federal Reserve-free treasury to boot and shit-can the incometax.  Whatdo they, the federal government actually command, after all?  Ten square miles of thieving tyrants,traitors and criminals.  They have fortsand ports in the states that the states can handily take back into theirdominion, period.  Whoa, is this treasontalk?  No, “they” are guilty oftreason.  My talk is as American and aspatriotic as apple pie.  This is the talkand action that founded and established the country in the first place andinspired freedom all over the world.  Allkings and queens had been given their notice. Times up.
Cozyingup to Sharia law and such?  What treasonis this?  What happened to CommonLaw?  That went away in 1871 when allgovernment became corporate profit centers under Admiralty and commercial lawand we the people were aced out of the deal. Want to secede and re-boot the organic republic?  Here’s how we do it.  38 states join andform a confederacy and issue a two-word statement to the feds.  “YOU’RE FIRED.”  At that point the other 12 states willfollow, believe me.   We’ll take if fromhere, thank you.  People joined themilitary to defend us, not you and your crimes. And let us not forget the 26 million man milita.  They ARE us. So.  “Do you feel lucky?
Whynot have the new capital in say, RICHMOND, Virginia?  DC could become anational park and museum.  A lesson in eternal vigilance being the priceof liberty. 

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