16 Kasım 2012 Cuma

Republic New Declaration Of Independence Oct 2012

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The New Declarationof Independence 21 October 2012
The men and women on theContinental United States of America, bound together by their mutual knowledgeof the abuses to We THE People by the present corporate government hasassembled to fill the vacant seats of the lawfull de jure government of the UnitedStates of America.The corporate government thatpeople accept today as the government is not the Republican form of government thatthe founders gave us.  We The People assembledin Michigan to restore the Republican form of government have met and completedthis task. In the year 1861 when Congress adjournedsine die (sine die means “without setting a return date”), it left the nationwithout a congress to conduct lawfull business. After determining the conditionof Michigan's federal legislative offices, the Assembly re-seated those de jureoffices and conducted the necessary functions to establish a working congress.As a result, we have filled the office of the President of the United States ofAmerica with an interim office holder. The de jure republican form of government established the authority tomove the military by orders from the civilian authority to act in compliancewith the Oath to defend the Constitution and the Republic against all enemiesForeign and Domestic.This is the culmination of thirty-two(32) months of assembly meetings, research, debating and recording the findingsof the members of the assembly to compile the evidence of the corporate UnitedStates corruption and crimes perpetrated against We THE People.  We THE People in general assembly determinedthat the only resolution to the current situation was to populate the vacant dejure seats of the Republic and notice and inform the corporate “ACTORS” theirauthority does not apply to our form of government.  The Michigan General Jural Assembly hasserved "Notice" to corporate government officers at all levelsincluding Local, State, National and International notices under Affidavits ofPublication and direct service at their physical offices.  All levels of corporate governmenthave been served with notices that We THE People object to the lies anddeception.  We THE People intend topeacefully continue to fill the de jure seats of government which remainsunchallenged and to initiate a lawfull election to fill all legislative officesof the Republic.  It is also We THEPeople’s intent to audit all government branches and to hold accountable allcorrupt politicians and others. Enclosed: ·        The new Declarationof Independence ·        The Orders·        RPost Receipt

http://www.mediafire.com/view/?q89swxxyxcj5ztrNEW DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE

http://www.mediafire.com/view/?nfnwabv3u9aajjn                         The Orders

http://www.mediafire.com/view/?hptbg7vafnag1yg                        RPost Receipt

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