26 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Democrats Arrested for Voter Fraud

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Democrats Arrested for Voter FraudPosted By: Basil [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 25-Nov-2012 16:18:36

Looks like Obama out-frauded Romney. Romney owned one of the voting machine companies. Guess that was not enough. Since Romney vote fraud was rampant during the Republican primary, I assume the Romney campaign just could not compete with the masters of fraud on the other side.
Proof that voter ID is needed to keep our elections legitimate and fair. Our elected leaders should be elected fairly by the people and not by the minority voting in names that are not theirs.
This is how the democratic party stays in power and why they do not listen to the people when they are in power because they know they are guaranteed to win no matter how they perform their duties. God help this country!
8 Arrested for Absentee Voter Fraud in Madison County, Florida
I am not sure how I missed this one, but here is one to add to the growing list of individuals arrested for actual voter fraud- meaning they voted more than once in an given election.
The NAACP is up in arms <http://www.wctv.tv/news/headlines/Madison_County_Officials_Arrested_for_Voter_Fraud_133032448.html > over the arrests saying the FBI is some how suppressing minority voters by arresting and charging minorities for actually illegally voting.
7 Democrats Arrested in New York for actual Voter Fraud via Absentee Ballots
Democrats arrested, charged and 4 plead guilty to actual voter fraud in New York via absentee ballots!
12 Democrats have been Charged in Georgia for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud
NAACP Executive Sentence to 10 Years in Prison for Voting for Obama 10 Times in 2008
While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison http://dailycaller.com/2011/07/29/mississippi-naacp-leader-sent-to-prison-for-10-counts-of-voter-fraud/ , sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme.
In April 2011, a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots.
4 Wake County, North Carolina Democrats have Admitted to Voting for Obama TWICE Each in 2008
Daytona Beach City Democrat Commissioner and his Campaign Manager arrested for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud
Did Obama Rig The Voting Machines
As reported in the Wikileaks Stratfor email dump earlier this year, the Obama campaign was engaged in massive ballot stuffing in Philadelphia and Ohio, more than likely by sabotaging voting machines and then having “emergency” ballots ready to switch with backup paper ballots.
Did Obama do the same thing but on a much wider scale? Obama in 2008 got a remarkable 85% of the vote in Philadelphia, but in this election received 99% http://articles.philly.com/2012-11-08/news/34995157_1_voter-turnout-president-obama-gop-voters !
Is that possible? With Philadelphia’s record unemployment, record homicide rate, and an Obama-induced economy that has literally bankrupted the city, could Obama have won 99% of the vote?
From PunditPress: I can't believe President Obama's luck. First, he received over 99% of the vote in districts where GOP inspectors were illegally removed. Next, he won 100% of the vote in 21 districts in Cleveland. Well, he's gotten another lucky break!
Mr. Obama won Wood County in Ohio this year. That's right, Mr. Obama won the majority of Wood County's 108% of registered voters. That's not a typo.
In 2012, 106,258 people in Wood County are registered to vote out of an eligible 98,213.
Interesting Turnout Numbers In Philly Polling Places Where GOP Inspectors Were Oustedhttp://feedproxy.google.com/%7Er/lonelyconservative/bdZb/%7E3/erzAjrIaFuk/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email
Pundit Press
http://www.punditpress.com/2012/11/fraud-in-pa-obama-got-over-99-of-vote.html picked up on the interesting numbers churned out of some Philadelphia precincts where the Republican inspectors were thrown out.
Across Philadelphia, GOP poll inspectors were forcibly (and illegally) removed from polling locations. Coincidentally (or not), Mr. Obama received “astronomicalhttp://www.philly.com/philly/news/nation_world/20121108_Vote_was_astronomical_for_Obama_in_some_Philadelphia_wards.html” numbers in those very same regions, including locations where he received “over 99%” of the vote.
Ward 4, which also had a poll watcher dressed in Obama attire http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/11/06/Election-Judge-Wears-Obama-Hat-in-Obama-s-Home-Ward , went massively for Obama. Mr. Obama received 99.5% of the vote, defeating Mr. Romney 9,955 to 55.
According to the state Board of Elections turnout overall in Philly was at about 60%. But not to worry, as Ed Driscoll pointed out at Instapundit http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/157361/ :
Fortunately, the Philadelphia Inquirer assures us that there is absolutely no – and I mean no, n.o. – reason to worry about voter fraud. I know I feel relieved.
Oh yes, what a relief. I wonder how many of those precincts had Obama murals or posters on the wall.
Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Votehttp://feedproxy.google.com/%7Er/Iowntheworldcom/%7E3/2h1d2h8s9ao/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email
President Obama must have run a great campaign considering the tremendous numbers he put up in numerous big cities. Over in Philadelphia, he was lucky enough to get 90% percent turnout in some districts with over 99% of the votehttp://www.punditpress.com/2012/11/fraud-in-pa-obama-got-over-99-of-vote.html .
In Cleveland, in some districts he did even better with an astounding 100% of the vote in dozens of locationshttp://boe.cuyahogacounty.us/pdf_boe/en-US/ElectionResults2012/11062012UnofficialResultsbyPrecinct.HTM .
For example, in Cleveland’s Fifth Ward, Mr. Obama won districts E, F, and G 1,337 to Mitt Romney’s... 0. And in case you’re wondering, Gary Johnson received more votes than Mr. Romney.
Well, maybe that’s just a fluke. In the Ninth Ward, Mr. Obama won districts D-G with a paltry total of 1,740 to... 3. Hey, at least Romney got .2% of the vote! In another Ohio county, Obama won with 108% voter registration!http://www.punditpress.com/2012/11/good-news-obama-won-county-in-ohio-with.html
In total, there are 21 districts in Cleveland where Mr. Romney received precisely 0 votes. In 23 districts, he received precisely 1 vote. And naturally, in one of the districts where Obama won 100% of the vote, there was 100% turnout. What a coincidence!Okay, what if we look at an entire Ward? No way this trend continues, right? An entire ward. Why not do the First Ward? Obama won that one 12,857 to... 94. This time Romney got .7% of the vote. He’s moving up in the world! More herehttp://www.punditpress.com/2012/11/what-luck-obama-won-dozens-of-cleveland.html

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