28 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Finding a specific word in a verse in any Bible: BibleWorks and Logos

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An Accordance user recently asked David Lang on the Accordance Blog this question:

How would I find in which version of the Bible is "endurance" used in Hebrews 12:1?
The issue here is that some English versions use "endurance," but others use "patience" or "perseverance" or perhaps some more 'dynamic' rendering. Lang provided a nice means for getting the answer in Accordance. I'll provide here what I think are the best ways to do so in BibleWorks and Logos.


There are a few ways to conduct such a search, but I think the easiest is as follows. (If you can think of a better way, let us know.)
  1. We want to search all the English version Bibles we have installed, so first get those all displayed by using the following command: d c english   ENTER
    (d=display; c=clear all versions; english=display all English versions)
  2. (A shortcut way to the results now is simply to go to Hebrews 12:1 and scan all these versions. To conduct the search in a more generally automated way and have the results highlighted, continue with the following steps.)
  3. Now we want to do a "cross-version search." To access this, right click anywhere in the command box, choose "Cross Version Search Mode" and select "Search All Display Versions." Note in the graphic above that when you do this, the second button in the green bar below the command line turns yellow to remind you that you have this mode activated.
  4. Now we want to limit our search to the one particular verse, in this case, Hebrews 12:1. In the command line: l heb 12.1   ENTER
    Note that the first button in the green bar turns yellow to remind you  that limits are set. (The limit set is also visible at the bottom of the BW window.)
  5. We are now ready to run the search. In the command line: .endurance   ENTER
  6. The results appear in a popup window. (see below)

You usually don't want to use the cross-version search, so be sure to reset it  back to "Search only current version."


I think this is the best way, but someone may know of a better way.
  1. The first thing I did is to create a "collection" of all my English Bibles. The graphic above shows how to use Tools > Library > Collections and then create a new collection. I named my collection "English Bibles" and dragged/dropped all the Bibles I wanted from the (lengthy) list that appeared. Note that you only have to create this collection once, and it is a handy one to have later on for other searches.
  2. (A shortcut way that requires some manual scanning now is to use Tools > Text Comparison and look up Hebrews 12:1 in the English Bibles collection you just made. To conduct the search in a more generally automated way and have the results highlighted, continue with the following steps.)
  3. The graphic below shows how I ran my search:
    • Click on the search magnifier icon
    • Choose Bible as your type of search
    • Search "All Bible Text"
    • To limit your range, click on the range after the first "in" and, in this case, define the new range of Hebrews 12:1
    • Click on the spot after the second "in" and choose that collection of English Bibles you just created and hit ENTER
  4. Your results should look something like the graphic below. The easiest way to see the results you want is to click on the Result column and order them alphabetically.

There you go! If you know of better ways, please share them in the comments.

UPDATE 2012.10.26: Be sure to read the solution proposed by Brenda in the comments! Here's an instance where a Google search  may be the quickest way to go. A few additional things I can add to Brenda's suggestion:
  • I added a parenthetical step 2 for both BibleWorks and Logos above which basically reproduces Brenda's suggestion within each program. You simply are displaying all the English versions and scanning for results.
  • Brenda suggests using the Online Parallel Bible tool in Biblos.com. 18 English versions are available on that site: NIV84, NLT, ESV, NASB, KJV, ISV, Aramaic Bible in Plain English, God's Word, KJ2000, AKJ, ASV, Douay-Rheims, Darby, ERV, Webster's, and Weymouth. Another good option is to use the Net Bible Study Environment and click on the Parallel tab where 10 English versions are available: NET, NIV84, NASB, ESV, NLT, Message, BBE, NKJV, NRSV, and KJV. With either of these, and whether you are using IE or Firefox, note that you can quickly find the word you are looking for by searching for it (CTRL-F) on the page and using the option to highlight all occurences.

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