20 Kasım 2012 Salı


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Date: Tuesday, 20-Nov-2012 08:02:38

Scandal in which American general, retired, now ex CIA head, David H. Petraeus , found himself revealed to public, among else, what priviledges enjojed or are still enjojing high US military servents. No wonder, comentators say, that experienced, and long time soldier Petraeus left out discipline in his life.
As during the interview for Washington Post described US minister of defense Robert M. Gates, when his neighbour become current chief of Joint staff of US military Mike Mullen, Gates ended collecting the leafs in his jard.
- Although I was his Commanding Officires, Mullen had, diferently of myself, his own kitchen shef and few soldiers that took care of his house. He frequently tried to be funny saying that I solve the leafes problem by throving them on his loan - said Gates who confessed that he has frequently envied, because Gates had always 4 soldiers at his disposal.
- I had to warm food in microwawe, and alone care for my loan - added Gates.
Main military generals enjoj a long list of priviledges, that includes luxurious airplanes, good gouses, drivers, personal protection teams, and helpers that will carry their bags, care for ther uniforms, and focus to not forget anything. THeir food is prepared by the top grade chefs. If they want the music of the evening, they can order string quarted or chorus.
One detail that brought media to attention in scandal around general Petraeus was that he once Jill Kelley, woman because of which he indirectly los the CIA job after a year, he wisited escorted with 28 policeman on bikes. Altough such parade is rare, general life is rather well-to-do.
Exsactly that, writes WP, could explain Petraeus's “moral downfall”. Some asked if he ever was exsempar soldier. But, Gates has another theory.
- There is something in power that moots the judgment - thinks Gates. David Barno, retired three star general agreates with him, ex military comander in Afganistan.
- The way of life that have potential which makes possible that generals, after some time, waste their way of life. That is no good for this country, nor for the military - Barno said. He thinks that this creates the oportunity that person distances himself from the common man and humble life of the rest of the military.
Although american generals enjojed high standard long ago - even during the WWII, and Vietnam war - priviledges that generals have today are much greater. Except the president, not a single state employer has not right to such luxury.
Petraeus did, with this, enjojed the status of natioanl hero. He himself took care of such image, inviting the book authors on jurnies, frequently giving interviews and being near to the political leaders. He understood that for a high profile was not enough to show himself on the battlefield, but that he has to be a star in society arena. When ex US president George W. Bush looked for the nation savoir during the Iraq war, he fount him in Petraeus. He made him the head of attack on Bhagdad and did not miss. During the first 6 months of 2007 Bush mentioned Petraeus in his peaches 150 times.
After Petraeus become commander in Irak, violence lessened. He returned home as a star. Then choosen dinners in Washington started. As for WP Thomas E. Ricks said, to be four star general menas to be as combination between Bila Gates and music star. But, some generals, obviously, did not find good balance and fell in the catch of such life. That Petraeus's life shows, whose extramarial affair with the author of his biography Paulom Broadwell costed the job of CIA head. If he still wos in military, affair would be considered a crime. Affair was revealed recently because Broadwell was sending a thretenong mails to Jill Kelley who because of that seeked help form FBI and thus started the whole investigation.
Some defend multitude of general priviledges saying that they work 18 hours per day, six or seven day per week. Their pay is, considering their status, modest. Base general pay with 4 stars and 38 of service for 2013 is $235.000 per year. But apart form public servents, they have a right to freee homes and bounus for food and uniforms.
Need for savings and Petraeus scandal could lead to teh reduction of general's priviledges. Petraeus was not the first. For some of his colegues it was discovered that they are huge, and not rightful, spenders of state money.
Ex american Africa Corps chief, general William Kip Ward, spent thousands of dollars on private jurneys, ans his woman used military wehicles for shoping or for visiting a beauty centers. Current US military head in Europe, admiral James Stavridis, is under investigation because he flew with military airplane to France to taste the wine. But, after investigation it was concluded that the reason for his voyage was primarily to be friendly witgh foreign military heads.
Ward was not liberated, last week, Defense Minister Leon Panetta announced that he will be degraded and go to forced retirement as a three star general. All that could lead to consideration of priviledges because threre is a stron opinion that generals have lost the touch with simple citizens.
US generals are under control of bushes and their break-away civilisation that created 3rd reich. They are just a simple minded persons that sold their souls for few FED worthless banknotes.
Paneta is chatching the last train.
I think that he has lost it.

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