13 Kasım 2012 Salı


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     In honor ofErasmus who in the time of Martin Luther wanted to reform Christianity but notlose the unity of Christianity, let me as the modern Erasmus of America nowrelease my version of In Praise of Folly first written by the brilliant Erasmusof Europe. In honor of our veterans who fought and died trying to preserve andstand for freedom also in America as well as abroad, let my praise of Americanfolly begin.     On Sunday,Nov. 11, "Sixty Minutes" released its TV report on Americaneducation. The conclusion apparently is that the high school seniors of Americanow graduate normally as basically functionally illiterate. And there aretechnical jobs available in America that cannot be filled as the new generationof "educated" American youth cannot handle them having never beentrained in their education how to handle technical details in jobs. In praiseof folly now! How wonderfully "Politically Correct Education" asimposed by liberals has prepared our youth for earning a serious living inlife! Now In Singapore, now in China, and some other parts of Asia, they takeeducation seriously and are apparently skyrocketing past American students inworld test standards because they take their studies seriously and practice theserious education America used to practice but no longer does practice in ourschools. Now there is still a pocket of American students who still score goodon national and world tests for students. Those who are educated in privateschools and those who are home schooled. We have "feel good"education with American youth to develop "self-esteem" who cannotwrite any longer but only print letters when writing on paper, they can't domath on paper any longer, do not have the foggiest idea what is stated in theU.S. Constitution, do not know what logic or common sense really is.Must be entertained all the time watching TV or elseplaying with their electronic toys, but most youth today probably don't readany books outside of ones required to read in school. But with many Iunderstand no longer doing homework given them by school, when do they havetime to read any books to expand their minds when all their time outside ofschool is spent on electronic entertainment of some sort or another?     When agovernment official of Kaiser Germany visited America at the time of a worldfair in America then after our "Civil War," he reported back to theKaiser that America had huge land and resources that Kaiser Germany did not.The only way that Germany could ever compete against America in producingnational wealth and becoming a world leader was to make German education betterthan the American.Soon Germany was producing many of the top scientists andengineers in the world and German industry skyrocketed because the Germanindustries created by these well-educated German scientists and engineers madethe German economy boom and prosper. Germany rapidly emerged as a world leaderbecause her now superior educational system where they played no"politically correct" games with German education made them a powerto reckon with in the world. Asian nations are thinking like the Germans didunder Kaiser Germany and they plan to skyrocket past America because they traintheir children to think, to be professional, to use their brains for brilliantideas, etc. and they observe with great scorn that America no longer believesin giving the youth of America serious educations any longer. Foreigners cometo America not to be educated in our public schools, but to attend the Americancolleges and universities which still offer good higher education. Then theseforeigners can go back to their nations to lead them or else get goodprofessional jobs in America they are qualified to fill but not Americanseducated in our public American schools.     Like the child'sfable of "The Emperor's Clothing," I point out that the emperor isnaked with no clothes whereas everyone else embarrassed to admit what theireyes seemed to see, praised the emperor's clothing when he had no clothes on atall. Under "politically correct" American culture now, Americans arescared to death to state the truth and admit what their eyes see. I intend tobreak this Matrix culture of fantasy, false ideas and concepts put in the mindsof the people so they believe in lies instead of the truth, and teach them themoral courage to start facing the truth and reality again in America.      The correctgoal of education should be at a minimum the following in America. Do not teachthe students just facts carefully picked for them to study by the educatorsassigned to teach them.Also, teach them the principles that make sense of thesefacts so they know how to apply knowledge to get results in life. Teach thestudents how to think, not just memorize the "politically correct"propaganda fed them in school. Teach them not just to get a paper certifiededucation of knowledge, but a practical education of knowledge that will teachthem how to think, apply themselves, and get results in life. Also, until the"politically correct" education was born in America, Americans usedto be taught moral values in schools. They are no longer taught moral valuesbut whatever feels good is good for them to do. We used to teach our youthmoral values in a moral philosophy called Christianity.      I am a strongscientific and engineering brain. Others also have strong technical talentslike this. I am smart alone and maybe much smarter when we collectively poolour talents together, our technical knowledge together, our professionalexperiences together, When I have other smart people working with me, I know wecan pretty much come up with any smart answers needed to solve any of theproblems of a nation. But give me the graduate of too many of the American highschools today and they don't strengthen my team to get results for America.America is finished as a nation if it does not return to a base of soundeducation in America. Pass my Omni Law and we will straighten out theeducational system of America. I am a Christian and can defend belief in Godwith very powerful, smart answers. You don't have to believe in God if youdon't want to believe in God, but at least be educated enough so you can put upa good defense for your side of beliefs if you don' want to believe in God orhonor God in your life. I will think you a fool if you don't believe in God,but at least might as well be an educated fool meaning you never learned how tothink soundly despite all your formal education. I have said at times insarcasm, "Take a fool and educate him, and what do you get?An educated fool" It takes more than assembling andmemorizing study notes to make a seriously educated man or woman out of studynotes. It also takes learning how to think with sound logic, use of commonsense, and the motivation of character that you will pursue the truth in thechosen field until finally you break truth and find the actual truth. Withdiscovered truth in science or engineering, it is amazing how many powerfulthings you can then do in society.     I had aroommate in military school. His name was James Raymond Harding. He was of goodcharacter, very intelligent, and good in learning regular military training. Iliked him and respected him. One time we captured the imagination of themilitary academy. We decided to fight World War III. He represented theCommunist side of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact and Red China and allies. Irepresented America and NATO. We had a giant world map with a plastic coatingover it so you could mark it with a crayon or whatever and erase it when youwanted to. We placed our soldiers, tanks, planes, navies, etc. the same asreported in standard military reports. James played the military game thepredicted Soviet way with their military positions, etc. I have always beenunorthodox in science, engineering, economics later on, and also in militarytactics and strategy. James should have won the game. He had a better hand toplay.  I played a game of cunning withhim. I first had to find a way to block his tanks from the Soviet Union fromoverrunning Western Europe. I used a trick formation from the Roman Army of2,000 years ago and his tanks could not break through my line of tanks. Whilestalled there, I laid an ambush that wiped out the main Soviet Navy. I had toknock out his navy for the maneuver I had secretly planned. I then made myselflook weak towards China. It was a sucker trap. He fell for it and the mainChinese Army under him was marching in for the kill to wipe out my main army. Ithen sprung my surprise and wiped out the Chinese Army on the map. When thegame was over, I had won World War III in theory.This game went on for about one week. Other militarycadets would ask how the World War III was progressing. After a week, whenasked, I sort of grinned and said, "I won World War III." Moral ofthis story.Never be afraid to follow unorthodox ideas also if with aregular education, your unorthodox idea makes sense to you. Never be afraid toexpand the knowledge of mankind in science, engineering, etc. if you get aninspired idea that works in reality once tested. And like Thomas Edison whorefused defeat when test after test did not produce the first working electriclight bulb, if you in your gut still feel that your idea should work, keeppushing until finally your idea works as planned or else you are convinced byyour own tests that you barked up the wrong tree and your hunch or theory waswrong as proved by your own experiments. When playing on hunches, don't beafraid to gamble to see if your hunch proves right or wrong if you have a goodfeel for the field you are working in.      I have aheavy professional education and in several fields, not just one. I studiedformal engineering but dissatisfied I was getting the angles I wanted forteaching technical brains how to invent in engineering, I set up my own private"university equivalent" education in inventing. I guess for 10 yearsafter finishing with formal schools I gathered everything on inventing I couldfind including many private reports by inventors who got the results they sought.Studying so many brilliant brains in inventing, I still saw how their mentalprocesses worked that got results and sadly, I found the engineering schools did not understand the mentalitythat creates great inventive geniuses. When my Camelot Project is built, I wantto teach technical brains how to set up the Thomas Edison "inventionfactory" which is a concept of inventing not taught in engineeringschools. And I want to teach technical brains the Albert Einstein system of"thought experiments" not taught in science courses. By the way,Einstein, Tesla, and myself all used the system of "thoughtexperiments" which we must have been born with the knowledge how to do asno schools ever taught us how to do this.      I have trickshow to get smart fast in professional fields I am out to crack and master. Ipinpoint who is either the smartest or one of the smartest brains in some fieldand then study whatever represents the most brilliant work he has ever writtenshowing the final answers he came up with in life. As I want to mastermind thereunification of the serious side of Christianity as Jesus Christ did not found22,000 or so independent Churches, but one Church of God on earth withthousands and more of branches to it, I picked who was the smartest scholar forthe Greek Orthodox Church to show their side of Christianity. I found in myevaluation their smartest brain was Elder Cleopa of Romania who wrote "TheTruth Of Our Faith." He presented a brilliant presentation of the GreekOrthodox side of Christianity. I looked for who did the best job in the RomanCatholic side and who did the best job of presenting the Protestant side ofChristianity. Seeing all three sides of those trying to be serious and honestin Christianity, I see the pivots that can shock all sides so they all say,"We agree  on this" and as thedust settles, we have our basis for the reunification of Christianity withoutany side selling out their integrity to Christ in the process. Christianity hasbeen getting its teeth kicked in across America and elsewhere because there islittle leadership that matters and mostly anarchy in the churches so they don'tknow how join together to give Christianity victory in America and the world.An army needs a general or generals and chain of command authority in lowerlevels so we have a unified movement able to win victories for its side.Christianity is the same way. The soldiers of Christianity are demoralizedbecause they have not tasted real national victory in a long time in America. Itested their morale level by releasing on Nesara News "Miracles Of God InChristianity For Modern America And The World From Erasmus Of America - Oct.31, 2012."I called upon all Christians to mass promote this acrossthe internet in America. I was pleased to see some who send out nationally didpush it, but the ordinary Christians being already defeated in their mind thatChristianity cannot win did not push it. I had already tested this like amarket test and the enemies and critics of Christianity are overwhelmed by itand cannot answer it. If the Christians were not already brainwashed that theyare losers and not winners for Christianity, this report if mass pushed byordinary Christians would have stormed American overnight and we would alreadybe addressing a Christian America instead of a licked dog Christianity inAmerica on Nov. 12, 2012.  Let's try itagain and this time ordinary Christianity get serious to win America back toGod! Go to the search box on the top left of Nesara News, put in Erasmus ofAmerica and look down the list for my report of Oct. 31, 2012 which is"Miracles Of God In Christianity For Modern America And The World! FromErasmus of America- Oct. 31, 2012."This time promote it nationally 20 or more copies andinclude this report In Praise Of Folly after it. Maybe the second round theChristians will finally get the message I have handed you on a silver plattervictory of Christianity in America. Follow through the simple system ofpromotion for this report and does not have to cost you a penny in money to do!St. Padre Pio of Italy wrote to me many years ago when I was in military schoolwith a secret message for me to champion true Christianity in the world and Godwould smile upon me for this! He told me a powerful secret of mine he had toknow from God and I took that as a sign God had willed this message sent to me.St.Padre Pio had the wounds of Christ on his body for 50years and he had Miracles of God occur with him all the time like the small 7year old girl with no pupils to her eyes, he prays to Jesus for her healing andshe instantly could see and still with no pupils to her eyes meaningdumbfounded medical doctors could not explain how she suddenly could see andnormally with eyes that had no entrance for light to enter her eyes! He told peoplesecrets of their lives, predicted things correctly before they happened, etc.He got a vision once that Jesus showed him a number of Catholic priests thatJesus called "butchers"because they weren't leading the people to Christ as theyshould. Of course, too many Protestants in the same boat! Comfortable in theirchurch positions and not winning the masses outside to Jesus Christ andChristianity. My miracle report will turn the tables for all the churches andpack your churches with new members once you push my report. And sad commentaryof all the churches both Catholic and Protestant. I have this Omni Law driveand not one church in America before the November 6, 2012 election would evenopenly back me when I am committed to restore prayer and the Bible to thepublic schools after the Omni Law is passed. Shame! Shame on you! Jesus isashamed of you that you are ashamed of Jesus before America!     Jesus Moneywas taught by Jesus in the New Testament and used with skyrocketing success 4times in history until bankers overthrow it not liking it. Everyone  now became prosperous and rich, no poor andunemployed left in society, crime nearly disappears in society, churches evenget blessed with prosperity also with this, businesses boom with success, governmentsget rich and no longer need high taxes.And now the churches sitting like dumb idiots on a loglooking the other way have not yet raised one finger yet to support thereestablishment of Jesus Money to society such as America and abroad Not the firstpenny has come in support from any church. Others have backed me to pass theOmni Law which will restore Jesus Money back into power in human society, butwhere are the churches? Jesus Money is part of the ministry of Jesus Christ formankind. Jesus wills to help the poor by getting them jobs and security inlife. Why don't you churches want to help the poor of America and abroad by thereestablishment of Jesus Money in human society? It works as proven by history!You don't have to be rocket scientist geniuses to understand that what worksdoes work! Jesus arranged this was already tried and worked in history as manyof you don't think Christianity should use its brains for Christ! As AlbertSchweitzer once shrewdly commented, "Christianity must be founded uponthinking!" Argument is over! It works! Let's use it now!     If theChristians were strong and united instead of weak and believe in anarchyinstead of standing up seriously for Christ in America, then I wouldn't have touse power tactics and moral force to engineer the coming rise of Christianityto power and the leadership of America as I intend to happen. I spent elevencalendar years in military academies and know rather incredibly strong tacticsof how to achieve victory by overwhelming the other side if required. I gotthis super deadly legal scandal of the U.S. Justice Dept. about deadly enoughto collapse the whole federal government of Wash., D.C. and I don't want toplay this scandal ace unless I have no choice. With strong Christian nationalsupport, I don't have to be so strong of tactics to win the restoration oflegal rights, etc. for Christianity in America. But I intend to win and alsoknow how to win. I will likely play my ace by this coming Friday unless I seethe U.S. Justice Dept. realizes that it is smart to meet with me partway so Idon't have to be like Genghis Khan and just totally wipe them out legally!     For thosewanting to back me financially so the Omni Law is passed soon, send anyfinancial support to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Say forOmni Law Drive.  I don't really needelections or mass support to win now and get passage of the Omni Law.God blessed me with a sharp legal mind and I keepengineering legal upsets that shock lawyers who are confident of victory untilthey are suddenly crushed and wonder what happened to them. Like a chess game,my pieces to play are already on the chessboard except the federal scandal ofthe U.S. Justice Dept. good enough if fully pushed to bring down the entire federalgovernment with it which I decide later this week whether to play it or not.These are power tactics and not dependent upon mass popular support at thistime. If I play all my aces, the only way the federal government can surviveafter that is immediately pass my Omni Law and ask me to help save Wash., D.C.from being outlawed internationally as a totally criminal and rogue governmentaccording to the terms of international law. Technically Wash., D.C. has set upa genocide situation that will kill off the entire human race on earth unlessended in time to save the human race from going extinct like the dinosaur.Science says this is what happens if my Omni Law is not passed and now inAmerica!      Again look upmy Omni Law in the search box at Nesara News. Look up my 80 or so othernational reports also posted with Nesara News over the last 7 seven months byputting in Erasmus of America which is my pen name to read them. Folks, passthis report all over America by the internet. Everyone send out 20 or morecopies of this by email and we will soon have all of America evangelized forChrist so long as my Miracle of God report is sent along with it or followingright after it.      The MiddleEast was the heartland in which Christianity was founded. When the greatChristian capital of Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1463, the blood ofChristians mass flowed in the streets and Christians were slaughtered in theChurch of Holy Wisdom which was the finest Christian cathedral in the MiddleEast and maybe the world at that time. Nearly all the people in Asia Minor, nowcalled Turkey, were Christians then. Today 2% of the population of Turkey maystill be Christian. The same fate awaits the Christians of America if you don'tback me and now. Hate to expose deceptions, but Obama is as hardcore a Muslimas could ever be placed in the White House. I got a report the other day thatIsraeli Intelligence had been tracking down two Muslim plants to take overAmerica. They recently found out that one of the two Muslim plants for thetakeover and mass slaughter of Christians in America was a man by the name ofObama and came from Chicago, Illinois. They couldn't get the missing name untilrecently as these two were known by other names also.      I am offeringAmerica a chance not offered to the Christian people of Constantinople in 1453when conquered and then mass slaughtered by the Muslims once Constantinoplefell to them in 1453. I have warned you in time and have the hand if you backme so America does not fall to Islam like Constantinople did in 1453 becausethe Christians refused to stand up politically and militarily before it was toolate to save the Eastern half of Christianity from mass conquest and massslaughter by the Muslims. Back me now because the Muslims are getting ready totake over America through Obama if the Christians don't care now whetherChristianity stands or falls in America now. Any interested in future reports ofmine, send your email to fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.comand say "Add to List." When shortly I have the crew I should, thiswill become a far more active branch of our communication with you. Also, weadd more computers and attempts to interfere with our communications to youwill no longer work. We have had dirty trick hacking attacks that you do notknow about trying to block us from saving Christianity from Islamic takeoverthrough Obama and Wash., D.C. while this can still be done.     Yours for Godand Country, Erasmus of America (pen name.Descendant of Constantine the Great who foundedConstantinople to be the Eastern capital of Christianity shortly afterlegalizing Christianity in the Roman Empire. Christians were so relieved thenno longer had to be martyrs to die all the time and be persecuted all the timeby pagan Roman authorities. To correct some Protestant scholars whose historyis not correct, Constantine the Great invited the Nicene Council so thebishops, etc. of Christianity could set up their rules and creed forChristianity throughout the Roman Empire. He did not tell them what to do andthey merely formalized and legalized what was already their practices and creedfor Apostolic Christianity for nearly 300 years after Christ. He just legallyrecognized whatever they said was official Christianity and its practicesalready firmly established while they were an illegal religion in the RomanEmpire.Around 30 relatives of this family line descended fromConstantine the Great once all gathered together in a big family photo long agoand dressed in Roman togas to honor our ancestry from Constantine the Great.And the English Parliament centuries ago called this family line the ancientvenerated line of Europe as it descended from the Roman Emperor Constantine theGreat. I am not ashamed of this family line. And read four of the finestdefenses of Christianity back then which were personally written by Constantinethe Great who totally backed Apostolic Christianity and upon his death had placedover him "The fourteenth Apostle!" The Lord has once more chosen thesame family line that saved Christianity the first time when the pagan RomanEmpire had the plan to totally wipe out all the Christians in the Roman Empireas soon as they defeated Constantine the Great.However, God gave the victory to Constantine the Greatinstead of the determined bloody pagan Roman leaders who wanted Christianitytotally wiped out this time. God stopped them by raising up Constantine theGreat to be the defender and savior of Christianity from bloody annihilation inthe pagan Roman Empire then. That is the real history,folks!)

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