24 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

Accordance at SBL 2012

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I visited with the fine folks at Accordance here at SBL. Their booth was quite busy, and they were demonstrating the recently released (August 2012) Accordance 10 running on Macs as well as other devices. I was particularly interested to see it running on Windows 8 which you can see in the picture above with David Lang. (Be sure to read Lang's practical advice and guides for the application of Accordance he provides on their blog.) I was fortunate enough to bump into Roy and Helen Brown and have supper with them, and he says it will be released "sometime in 2013," and this display running on Win8 is proof that it is not vaporware. (Roy is founder/developer/president of Accordance, and Helen provides a lot help on their support forum.) More on Accordance on Windows here.
BTW, if you are like me and like biblical maps and such, they are running a sale on Carta products through the end of the year. Carta publishes high quality resources, so if you have Accordance, any of their resources are great supplements to the excellent Atlas module you can get for the program.

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