24 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

BibleWorks at SBL 2012

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Jim Barr and Glenn Weaver at the BibleWorks booth at SBL
I had a great time visiting with the guys at the BibleWorks booth. BibleWorks 9 has been out for about a year and a half. There have been quite a few updates and a number of resources added during this time, but I didn't hear any rumors of a new release being imminent. I was assured that they are working on a number of new features and resources. At the booth, they showed BibleWorks running on both a Mac and a Win8 tablet. They both looked good. There is full functionality on the Win8 (not Win8 RT) tablet, and apparently "about 95%" functionality on the Mac. (More info here for BW running natively on a Mac.) I do like my Android phone, and if I had money for a tablet, I would know what to do with an Android tablet, but being able to run BW on a Win8 tablet makes it more attractive. Using touch with BW worked well.

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