25 Kasım 2012 Pazar


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Below is a sixth grade level of information on fluoride, withreferences to the industrial chemistry you lack...grow up...the nation poisonedentire generations of children...to gain control over the future...that waswhat Goals 2000 was all about.  I know, because I studied it at theUniversity of South Carolina in my graduate studies in the 1990s.  Youlack science knowledge. The universities are hell-bent on protecting theagenda, as is evident in the tweaked info on safety in public documents...it issafe but toxic...we are playing Russian Roulette with children's lives...and youare an accomplice to that agenda.

READ the following and learn.  Then, read the MSDS for sodiumfluoride.  Then, read chemistry on fluoride, the most aggressive elementin the periodic chart, because it replaces all elements beneath it on thechart.  Fluoride is not meant for human bodies.

R.E. Sutherland

Sodium fluoride

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Sodium fluoride
IUPAC name[hide]Sodium fluoride
Other names[hide]Florocid
CAS number 7681-49-4 Yes
PubChem 5235
ChemSpider 5045 Yes
UNII 8ZYQ1474W7 Yes
EC number 231-667-8
UN number 1690
KEGG C08142 
ChEBI CHEBI:28741 Yes
RTECS number WB0350000
ATC code A01AA01,A12CD01,
V09IX06 (18F)
Molecular formula NaF
Molar mass 41.988173 g/mol
Appearance White solid
Odor odorless
Density 2.558 g/cm3
Melting point 993 °C, 1266 K, 1819 °F
Boiling point 1704 °C, 1977 K, 3099 °F
Solubility in water 36.4 (0 °C); 40.4 (20 °C); 50.5 (100 °C) g/L[1]
Solubility soluble in HF
insoluble in alcohol
Vapor pressure 1 mmHg @ 1077 C°[2]
Refractive index (nD) 1.336
Crystal structure cubic
MSDS Sodium fluoride MSDS
EU Index 009-004-00-7
EU classification http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hazard_T.svgT - Toxic
Xi - Irritant
R-phrases R25, R32, R36/38
S-phrases (S1/2), S22, S36, S45
NFPA 704 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NFPA_704.svg030
Flash point Non-flammable
LD50 52–200 mg/kg (oral in rats, mice, rabbits)[3]
Related compounds
Other anions Sodium chloride
Sodium bromide
Sodium iodide
Other cations Lithium fluoride
Potassium fluoride
Rubidium fluoride
Caesium fluoride
Related compounds TASF reagent
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Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C, 100 kPa)
Infobox references
Sodium fluoride is an inorganic chemicalcompound with the formulaNaF. A colorless solid, it is a source of the fluoride ion in diverseapplications. Sodium fluoride is less expensiveand less hygroscopic than therelated salt potassiumfluoride.


  • 1 Structure, general properties, occurrence
  • 2 Production
  • 3 Applications
  • 4 Safety
  • 5 See also
  • 6 References

Structure, general properties, occurrence

Sodiumfluoride is an ioniccompound, dissolving to give separated Na+ and Fions. Like sodiumchloride, it crystallizes in a cubic motif where both Na+ and Foccupy octahedralcoordination sites;[4][5]its lattice spacing, approximately 462 pm, is somewhat smaller than that ofsodium chloride.
Themineral form of NaF, villiaumite, is moderatelyrare. It is known from plutonic nepheline syeniterocks.[6]


NaFis prepared by neutralizing hydrofluoric acid orhexafluorosilicicacid (H2SiF6), byproducts of the production of superphosphate fertilizer.Neutralizing agents include sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate.Alcohols are sometimes used to precipitate the NaF:
HF + NaOH → NaF + H2OFromsolutions containing HF, sodium fluoride precipitates as the bifluoride salt NaHF2.Heating the latter releases HF and gives NaF.
HF + NaF NaHF2Ina 1986 report, the annual worldwide consumption of NaF was estimated to beseveral million tonnes.[7]


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sodium_fluoride_tablets.jpghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sodium_fluoride_tablets.jpgSodium fluoride is soldin tablets for cavity prevention.Fluoridesalts are used to enhance the strength of teeth by the formation of fluorapatite, a naturallyoccurring component of tooth enamel.[8][9]Although sodium fluoride is also used to fluoridate waterand, indeed, is the standard by which other water-fluoridation compounds aregauged, hexafluorosilicicacid (H2SiF6) and its salt sodium hexafluorosilicate(Na2SiF6) are more commonly used additives in the U.S.[10]Toothpaste often containssodium fluoride to prevent cavities.[11]Alternatively, sodium fluoride is used as a cleaning agent, e.g. as a"laundry sour".[7]A variety of specialty chemical applications exist in synthesis and extractive metallurgy. It reacts withelectrophilic chlorides including acyl chlorides, sulfurchlorides, and phosphorus chloride.[12]Like other fluorides, sodium fluoride finds use in desilylation in organic synthesis.The fluoride is the reagent for the synthesis of fluorocarbons.
Inmedical imaging, fluorine-18-labelledsodium fluoride is used in positronemission tomography (PET). Relative to conventional bone scintigraphy carried outwith gamma cameras or SPECT systems, PET offers moresensitivity and spatial resolution. A disadvantage of PET is that fluorine-18labelled sodium fluoride is less widely available than conventional technetium-99m-labelledradiopharmaceuticals.


Seealso: Fluoride poisoningThe lethal dose for a 70 kg (154 lb) human isestimated at 5–10 g.[7]Sodium fluoride is classed as toxic by bothinhalation (of dusts oraerosols) and ingestion.[13]In high enough doses, it has been shown to affect the heart and circulatorysystem.
In the higher doses used to treat osteoporosis, plainsodium fluoride can cause pain in the legs and incomplete stress fractures whenthe doses are too high; it also irritates the stomach, sometimes so severely asto cause ulcers. Slow-release and enteric-coatedversions of sodium fluoride do not have gastric side effects in any significantway, and have milder and less frequent complications in the bones.[14]In the lower doses used for water fluoridation, the only clear adverse effectis dental fluorosis,which can alter the appearance of children's teethduring tooth development; this is mostly mild and is unlikely to represent any realeffect on aesthetic appearance or on public health.[15]

See also

  • Fluorine
  • Cryolite


1.    ^ Haynes, William M., ed. (2011). CRCHandbook of Chemistry and Physics (92nd ed.). CRC Press. p. 5.194. ISBN 1439855110.2.    ^ Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties ofIndustrial Materials. 10th ed. Volumes 1–3 New York, NY: John Wiley & SonsInc., 1999., p. 3248 3.    ^ Martel, B.; Cassidy, K. (2004), ChemicalRisk Analysis: A Practical Handbook, Butterworth–Heinemann, p. 363, ISBN 1-903996-65-14.    ^ Wells, A.F. (1984), Structural InorganicChemistry, Oxford: ClarendonPress, ISBN 0-19-855370-65.    ^ "Chemical andphysical information" (PDF), Toxicological profile for fluorides,hydrogen fluoride, and fluorine, Agency for Toxic Substances and DiseaseRegistry (ATDSR), September 2003, pp. 187, retrieved 2008-11-01 6.    ^ (PDF) MineralHandbook, Mineral Data Publishing, 2005. 7.    ^ abcAigueperse, Jean; Paul Mollard, Didier Devilliers, Marius Chemla, Robert Faron,Renée Romano, Jean Pierre Cuer (2005), "Fluorine Compounds,Inorganic", in Ullmann, Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry,Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, doi:10.1002/14356007.a11_3078.    ^ Bourne, Geoffrey Howard (1986), Dietary research andguidance in health and disease, Karger, p. 153, ISBN 3-8055-4341-7,Snippetview from page 153 9.    ^ Klein, Cornelis; Hurlbut, Cornelius Searle;Dana, James Dwight (1999), Manual of Mineralogy (21 ed.), Wiley, ISBN 0-471-31266-510. ^ Division of Oral Health, National Center forPrevention Services, CDC (1993) (PDF), Fluoridationcensus 1992, retrieved 2008-12-29. 11. ^ "Sodiumfluoride, Molecule of the week". AmericanChemical Society. 2008-02-19. Retrieved 2008-11-01. 12. ^ Halpern, D.F. (2001), "SodiumFluoride", Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, John Wiley &Sons, doi:10.1002/047084289X.rs07113. ^ NaF MSDS. hazard.com14. ^ Murray TM, Ste-Marie LG. Prevention andmanagement of osteoporosis: consensus statements from the Scientific AdvisoryBoard of the Osteoporosis Society of Canada. 7. Fluoride therapy forosteoporosis. CMAJ. 1996;155(7):949–54. PMID 8837545.15. ^ National Health and Medical Research Council(Australia). Asystematic review of the efficacy and safety of fluoridation [PDF].2007. ISBN1-86496-415-4. Summary: Yeung CA. A systematic review of the efficacy andsafety of fluoridation. Evid Based Dent. 2008;9(2):39–43. doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6400578. PMID 18584000.Laysummary: NHMRC, 2007.
  • v
  • t
  • e
Sodium compounds

  • v
  • t
  • e
Stomatological preparations (A01)
  • v
  • t
  • e
Mineral supplements (A12)

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at11:57 PM, Scott Bergeson <scottb@xmission.com>wrote:Quoting R.E. Sutherlandon Thu, 22 Nov 2012 19:09:05 -0500:

Hello Scott,

The element Fluoride is different from the compound Sodium Fluoride.

Apparently you are lacking in science knowledge.

The compound form of fluoride called sodium
fluoride is found in drinking water and toothpaste.

Now, go look up the MSDS for "SODIUM FLUROIDE" ... and get bettereducated.

R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed.

Thank you for your vote of confidence.
The attached PDF file came up first in a startpage search.
Zero occurrences. As it should be. MSDS writers have better
science education than you. And while not relevant to
whether fluoride be a "toxin"* (really weird theology you
have there, to not only call stars living organisms, but
hold they make and secrete fluorine for their biological
defense), ions are ions. Fluoride is an anion formed
when a fluorine atom (½ of a fluorine molecule) takes
an additional electron to complete its valence octet.
When dissociated, the counterion makes no difference.

* Toxin: a toxic substance - poison - an organism makes and secretes.

Now, if you expect people to take concerns about such bad actors as
fluoride seriously, it would help to lose the fringy misdefinitions.

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