19 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba

America’s Enemies - “Bleed the Dragon” by Major General Paul E. Vallely, U.S. Army (Retired)

America’sEnemies - “Bleed the Dragon” by Major General Paul E. Vallely, U.S. Army(Retired)

  • Posted by Regulator on September 19, 2012 at 9:30am
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America’s Enemies- “Bleed the Dragon”byMajorGeneral Paul E. VallelyU.S.Army (Retired)http://www.standupamericaus.org/about-sua/general-vallely/“TheDragon Lies Bleeding”Hammerfall
“Ridethrough the valley in thunder and rain. The battle is raging, redeem thisdomain. The castle of Eden lies silent above. Darkness surrounded us, away wemust go. I look through the eyes of the world.  I see there are strangersamong us.  Awaiting a sign from above to conquer the power and the glory.Enter the battle, our will to enchain. Bringing us forward, defeating the pain.Intothe meeting with swords made of steel. We’re standing together the secretreveals. I look through the eyes of the world. I know the stranger amongus.  Awaiting a sign from above.  To conquer the power and glory.Come across to the Promised Land. Close your eyes, I will take your hand.Through the river of steel well go.  When the dragon lies bleeding.”
Theenemies at home and abroad and demeanors of the United States have taken toview our country as an evil Dragon that must be bled of its power andstature. As the mythology of the dragon goes, you could not slay the dragonwith one spear but that it would take many spears into the body of the dragonto slay it and “bleed it to death”.  As you look at the world today, ourenemies both foreign and domestic are sending those spears into the body of theUnited States. I do not have the opportunity in this writing to discuss thevarious spears in detail other than to list them………·       Economicand Financial·      RadicalJihad/Enablers of International Terrorism and the planned Caliphate·       Thenaïve and progressive media·       Weakand misguided leadership in Congress and the White House·       Globalismand multi-culturalism·       UnitedNations and their subversives·       ProgressiveSocialists·       Roguenations pursuing the development and  use of nuclear /EMP technology and delivery  systems·       Waron the Southern BorderTheseare just nine of the “spears” that must be addressed by a revised US National Strategyto survive. The US has always drawn operational plans from strategic doctrine.The American people face unprecedented threats and vulnerabilities. The global“Chessboard” (see our Chessboard series of articles) is being reset daily as weobserve the key players of the world cleverly moving their chess pieces. If wecontinue America’s near-total reliance upon the logic of deterrence andappeasement, we will be doomed to be bled to death.  Continued belief inclassical threat-system dynamics could be problematic, even if Americanplanners were to just focus on state sponsors and terrorist proxies (likeHezbollah). These states, like their surrogates, value particular religious orideological preferences more highly than their own lives and freedoms.Ournation simply does not have the human and financial resources to continueinvesting blood and treasure into nation building enterprises or foreign aidpackages into the Middle East. Obama along with other broke, financiallystrapped European countries is now committing billions of new US dollars to newnation building in the Middle East.  All of these Islamic countries seemto be willing to protect terrorists/jihadists, rule by Sharia law in the guiseof seeking democracy, and chastise America at every opportunity for their ownselfish interests and hope of keeping U.S. money flowing into their coffers.How senseless is this? Oh, Treasury, keep printing money - no problem there!Maybe I am naïve, but I think we need to shore up America first.AsI was advised years ago (2001 to be precise) by an Arab confidant, “ Do not putbases or occupying land forces into the Middle East, as it is agiant SPONGE that will soak up everything with no viableend!”…meaning human and financial resources……Our enemies understand that bybleeding the United States, they will see America fall in self-destruction andcommit national suicide.  It is time to reposition our forces and changeour global strategy.Wemust have more sense and wisdom about engagement and conflicts in this year2012. We do not seem to look back in history well and have major problems inseeing the future. We seem to be a nation that is rudderless. We, the people,are the “Masters of our Fate and Captains of our Soul and Destiny.”TheNature of change – War and conflict will remain a human endeavor, aconflict between two forces, yet changes in the political landscape,adaptations by the enemy, and advances in technology and techniques will changethe character of the battle. Leaders are often late to recognize such changesand adjust to the proper uses of hard and soft power options, and even whenthey do, inertia tends to limit their ability to adapt quickly. Driven by aninherent desire to bring order to a disorderly, chaotic universe, human beingstend to frame their thoughts about the future in terms of continuities andextrapolations from the present and occasionally the past. But a brief look atthe past quarter century, to say nothing of the past four thousand years,suggests the extent of changes that coming decades will bring.Anyupdated US strategic doctrine will still have to include preemption acrossmany fronts. Inevitably, there will be new perils that may require“anticipatory self-defense.” Where rationality cannot be assumed, and where theeffectiveness of missile defense would be low, the only alternative to capableand lawful forms of American preemption could be surrender and defeat.Allpolicy makers need to ask and answer to the American people, “What is the USand Western civilization fighting for?” “What is it that we are defending andprotecting based on our Constitution?”  Well, it's everything that shariahIslam stands against: Judeo-Christian principles, individual liberty, equalitybefore the law, equality of Muslim and non-Muslim, men and women; it is thefreedom to believe as our conscience directs us, even if that means no beliefat all, or changing beliefs; it means protections for minorities; pluralism,and tolerance....but all within the ethical framework of human reasonas laid down by the Founding Fathers.Untilwe know who and what we are, we will not only be unsuccessful atnation-building elsewhere - we will steadily lose what we have here athome  - and not just for economic reasonsThat'sthe fundamental problem that has us squandering our blood and treasures allover the place - the enemy knows this and counts on it - his doctrine isfixed, sure, immutable....and he knows we are post-modern, progressive,multiculturalism, morally relativist, etc.....that's the foundation of thisconflict. He knows who he is and what he's fighting for and we do not.Wewill be able to find our way through chaos and changing circumstances only whenwe acknowledge and hold fast to our own core beliefs, history and principlesand traditions. It is not a simple world. Strategic doctrine is always acomplex matter, and any improved US plan will have to be creative as well ascomprehensive.  In turn, the options will require enemy perceptions ofpersuasive American power and of an American willingness to actuallyuse this power. Meaningful policies can emerge only from a carefullyre-conceptualized US strategic forward doctrine.  Stop the bleedingNOW!!!!
PaulE Vallely MG US Army (Ret) is Chairman of the Stand Up America GroupPaulE. Vallely MG, US Army (ret)Chairman– Stand Up AmericaStandupamericausa1@gmail.comwww.standupamericaus.org

Conservativeaction groups agree that preserving our Constitution is one of the mostcritical issues facing our country. The Stand Up America Project is takingaction. We are promoting the Bill of Rights through publishing articles innational newspapers, talking on radio shows, lectures, internet media as wellas publishing and promoting Pro-American books.Yourcontribution to the Stand Up America US Project supports the fight against thetakeover of America. We track the war against this country’s enemies, at homeand abroad; Bang for your buck: that’s what the Stand Up America US Projectprovides. Ammunition for the culture war: that’s what your contribution buys.So please act now and help us in the fight we are waging on many fronts forAmerica’s future.Donateto the cause:http://www.standupamericaus.org/join-donate-sua/

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