22 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

NEW White House Insider: " Barack Obama - The Butcher of Benghazi."

Thenote below by “CB” comes from a source that has been reliable in the past. Therest of this message contains a new posting by “The Ulsterman” containing atranscript of his latest interview with the “White House Insider”. Informationwhich has been disclosed by WHI is shocking and explosive, but cannot,  byits nature, be independently verified. Nevertheless, enough of his earlierreports have been validated by later events that it cannot be dismissed out ofhand.
Someexcerpts from the White House Insider interview:
What my gut is tellin’ me on this…that guy was noambassador.  Officially yeah – but off the books he was CIA. Had to have been…  All kinds of people aretelling the administration the Muslim Brotherhood could take overEgypt. Could take over Libya.  They either ignored those warning orthat is EXACTLY what they wanted to happen…
(Valerie) Jarrett (Obama’s closest advisor)is Iranian.  Jarrett has long ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. You would think, maybe for one f-cking second, enough people in the media wouldthink maybe – just maybe…we should take a closer look at all this

What if that ambassador…well…let’s say he cameacross certain information…damaging to the administration.  Why is heflying into that consulate in Benghazi?  Cover of night. No securityprecautions.  Anti-Western sentiment reaching critical levels.  It’salmost like he was trying to keep his whereabouts unknown to his owngovernment.  Right?  And that bullsh-t little YouTube video thing? Ithad been out for…what – months?  Nobody gave a sh-t about it.  NOBODY
That was no accidental killing of the ambassador.  And it wasn’t just al-Qaeda acting alone.  They had approval.  From somebodylinked with our side of the fence.

And let usnot forget – the Muslin Brotherhood has its origins as the Arab arm of the NaziParty:
This iswell-documented in the disturbing disclosures revealed by former high-levelU.S. intelligence official John Loftus in his ground-breaking book “America’sNazi Secret: An Insider’s History”:
"...the Muslim Brotherhood was the original Arab Nazi movement,working for the British intelligence to crush the infant state of Israel. Inthe 1980s it was hired by American intelligence to recruit the Mujahedeen inAfghanistan, and it is now the parent organization of every Sunni terroristgroup in the Middle East."

Book Description
Publication Date: November 11, 2010
Fully revised and expanded, this stirring account revealshow the U.S. government permitted the illegal entry of Nazis into North Americain the years following World War II. This extraordinary investigation exposesthe secret section of the State Department that began, starting in 1948 andunbeknownst to Congress and the public until recently, to hire members of thepuppet wartime government of Byelorussia—a region of the Soviet Union occupiedby Nazi Germany. A former Justice Department investigator uncovered thisstunning story in the files of several government agencies, and it is nowavailable with a chapter previously banned from release by authorities anda foreword and afterword with recently declassified materials.
(See book review below)_________________________________________________________________________________________________
Onething that is clear is that the story told by Obama administration operativesregarding the Benghazi disaster is not credible. We now have a dead U.S.ambassador (who appears to be CIA-linked) and three dead apparently CIAoperatives, two of whom are ex-SEALS, who came under attack on the 11thanniversary of 9/11 in an unprotected U.S. facility in one of the mostdangerous areas of the Islamic world. And when it happens, our “president” doesnot conduct a meeting of his advisors to decide on an appropriate response, butinstead heads out to Las Vegas for a political fund-raising event.
Doesany of this make any sense?
Readwith discernment.

September 20, 2012[Conclusion: Stevens was working for the CIA. His killer was oneof Hillary's operatives in Libya. Stevens discovered information very damagingto the corrupt Obama administration and to Hillary's corrupt Dept. of State, soHillary's henchman was given a new mission - silence Stevens and his closecircle of operatives. Stevens abruptly flew from Tripoli to Benghazi on asecret flight, attempting to go into temporary hiding because he suddenlyunderstood that his own gov't was gunning for him. Someone close to theassassin leaked the Benghazi location to Al Qaeda, and Stevens' fate wassealed. The administration already had 'the anti-Muslim tape' as a ploy to useto obfuscate their own culpability. Stevens' blood and that of the 3 others ison the hands of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and who knows how many otherpoisonous snakes slithering around our national defense structure.] CB
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: ” Barack Obama – The Butcher of Benghazi.”- The Ulsterman Report
” Barack Obama – The Butcher of Benghazi.” TheUlstermanreport.com
“But they are so spooked and confused over the polling data, theyreleased it sooner.  That means the Middle East situation has themafraid.  People are actually asking some questions now.  Sniffingaround the situation just a bit.  And if they get somebody in themilitary…somebody like that…to go on the record with this…with whatever had thatambassador acting so strangely right before he waskilled…well-well-well…”   -WHI
Description: http://ww2.hdnux.com/photos/15/21/43/3479777/3/628x471.jpg

NOTE:  Readers should know – Insider has been extremely busyof late, and to be given even just a bit of time to sit down face to face againafter months of being unable to do so is both unexpected and a welcomeprivilege.    -UM
UM:  You said I get two main topics todiscuss, so let’s start with Fast and Furious.  Holder.  Where are weat and where will it go?  Gone in the fall.  That’s what youpromised.  Many times.
WHI:  Yes I did – and I also said…wasit last time we talked…also said it’s out of our hands now.  They got whatthey need to push him out…they can do it if they’re willin’ to get just alittle bloody.  Don’t know if they will though.  Some of them…some ofthe Republicans are willin’ – that I know.  But they ain’tleadership.  They can move a committee vote on somethin’…but they can’tbring it to the floor all by themselves.  And then you got the Senateblocking everything…not the Senate.  Reid.  What they got or whatthey promised that old motherf-cker…nothing getting’ by him.
UM:  So it’s Boehner?  He’sblocking taking this to the next level?
WHI:  Sure…among others.  I don’twant put all the blame on Boehner…he’s seeing how even if the House were to putsomething strong…hell…they already done good on some of that, right?  Evenpushing a legal challenge.  But that takes a lot of time…and none of thatwill ever see the light of day until after the election.  Mightmake for a brutal second term for Obama if he wins…but as for realjustice?  The truth?  They are runnin’ out the clock. And yeah – Republicans are dragging their feet too.  Scared of afight.  A real fight.
Thing that’s got me…well…more than a littlepissed off about this is the real potential behind the DOJ investigation. You see, Fast and Furious…the gunrunning bullsh*t. It ties into a whole pile ofno good around Obama and Jarrett…there’s political stuff there of course. Gun control and all that.  None of that has really come out like itshould.  I promised that memo…said there was a memo on the gun controlthing, remember that?  Nobody said nothing about it – and then it cameout.  And I thought “here we go – now it starts”.  Thennothin’.  Media buried it.  Deep. Congress hardly touched it.
UM:  You’re talking about the memostating how the border violence can be used to implement stronger gun regulations?
WHI:  That’s the one – tied directlyto Fast and Furious – laid out the real intent of all that gunrunning. They wanted things to get f-cked up.  They wanted those drug lords killingoff each other and if some poor innocent bastards get blown away in thecrossfire, all the better, right?  Make Americans…make enough of them,hate the idea of guns.  Make them willing to give some of those gunsback.  Make them…the Dems would need just another 10% or so of the voters,maybe not even that much…and gun rights in America would be transformed forever. Be lucky to get a water gun out there after they done with it.  And Iain’t talking exaggerations here.  The Democrats – ones who control theparty now…taking guns away is right at the top of their priorities list. Way up there.
UM:  Why is that?
WHI:  It all comes back to controlwith these people. Soviet Union style control.  Where you live. What you eat.  What you read.  How you work.  They want tocontrol all of that.  ‘Course they go on living however theylike.  Government becomes the elite class.  And we ain’t faroff from that already.  Obama, Jarrett…they want that so bad…they want tocontrol the rest of us because…well we are all just too damn dumb to take careof ourselves, right?  It’s all for our good, right?
UM:  Back to Holder.  Is he goneor does he stay?
WHI: Out of our hands.  Republicans have been given what they need.  Theyjust gotta get in the ring now and start swinging away.  Hit something forf-ck’s sake.  HARD.
UM:  How about some of your Democratshelp them to do that?
WHI:  I don’t have any of “myDemocrats”.  They are all dead and gone or sittin’ back homewondering…same as I wonder…how in the hell it got so bad so fast.
Democratic Party is dead.  Gone. Wehung ourselves in 2008.  Obama was the rope.  Snapped our necks andgave us that sh-t for brains grin while he done it.
UM:  You helped with that rope in2008.
WHI:  F-ck you – we all did.  Youdon’t…no need to remind me what I done.
…And if there was a Republican Party withjust a little more balls…this thing woulda been wrapped up by now.  Holderbeen gone and gone a long time ago.  And back to Chicago withit.  They got that – they know the deal there.  Investigate that DOJ– investigate those wire taps.  Investigate that prosecutor.  Theguys dyin’.  Thing I told you about Vegas…how long ago?  Here’s thedeal – it’s all f-cking there.  One by one by one…it’s a hell of a messbut if they had the nuts to go after it…they could get it done.  Mediawould have to take it on.
But I’m just an old has-been see? When bodies start showing up…courage leaves the room real fast. Nobody wants to risk anything on principle.  Doin’ the right thing isdoin’ the dead thing – that’s what back to Chicago is in all of this. Fast and Furious…as bad as that is…that thing was just to get the ballrolling.  Get Holder gone, peel away the DOJ onion…and see the real uglyinside.
UM:  So if Holder were to go…all ofthe rest – all that Back to Chicago scenario you have always been speakingto…it finally comes out?
WHI:  Used to think that…there wouldbe a good month or so of chaos at DOJ…a window where people would be given thechance…and maybe find just enough courage to walk upright for once.  Youknow?  Man-the-f-ck UP.  This thing got dragged out so longthough…and Jarrett put West in there…he’s hangin’ real close to Holdernow…sh-t, they probably got a real solid contingency in place by now. This thing took too f-cking long to get on.
Don’t wanna think on that anymore – seewhat the Republicans do with it this week.
F-ck ‘em.  All of ‘em. Democrats.  Republicans.  It’s all bullsh-t.  Circle-jerkin’mother-f-ckers.  Not a real man in the bunch these days.  Johnf*cking Wayne has left the building man – and he slammed the door behindhim.
Ah…godd-amit, I apologize son…said I wasn’tgonna…know you don’t like all the cursin’.  Been a rough one.  Pastweek.  Got me feelin’ so damn OLD.
UM:  How about the Middle Eaststuff?  The embassy attacks?  I have been trying to get out as muchinformation on that as possible.  Is that going to hurt Obama like itshould?
WHI:  It will – it IS hurtinghim.  Not as much as it should – media is in 24/7 protect mode.  Thatwhole things stinks…not just the president’s reaction to it.  Not just thelying by the administration…but the fella who was killed…that ambassador. Now this is me – this is just me thinkin’ here.  What my gut is tellin’ me on this…that guy was no ambassador. Officially yeah – but off the books.  He was CIA.  Had to havebeen.  You made a comment in one of your stories…’bout how it waslike Fast and Furious except in the Middle East.  Somethin’ like that.
UM:  That if Obama was willing to armMexican drug lords, why not Muslim extremists.
WHI:  Right – somethin’ likethat.  Think you might a nailed it there without knowing it.  Youmeant it as…like a bit of  sarcasm there at the end of what you wrote –but you actually said what the real deal is.  Obama sent a sh-tloadof weapons into Libya during the Gaddafi thing.  Had no idea who they weregoing to…just…tens of millions of dollars worth of high grade weaponry. Now you think folks like al Qaeda and other militant groups won’t notice? It was a take what you need weapons supermarket courtesy of the Obama governmentfor them!  Not much different than what happened in Egypt.
UM:  How so?
WHI:  You got Egypt.  You gotLibya.  Both of them were run by…basically they guys running the show werenon-practicing Muslims, right?  Mubarak – he couldn’t stand the Muslimhardliners and he beat the sh-t out of them every chance he got.  Him andhis military cronies.  So he kept the peace that way. He kept businessopen to American and European interests.  Things weren’t perfect, but ahell of a lot better than say,Iran.  He could tell Iran to shut the f-ckup, and Iran had to consider it because Egypt had some real muscle.  Ithad a military, and it had the backing of the West.

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiWe1OjSBTA0M9-hhdRu7P9PFtrZ04LLPf8doPXeXu79I2qg1bPCReAP6ikqO8AQXUoRsyrhCVNwLfki49quXoT89pfqAS5q1Bgaq7_D2L8oEO-8qMIJylT4gcVm3J48rO55ZBLhGNNx6k/s1600/mubarak-obama.jpg
(Barack Obama shaking hands with former EgyptianPresident Hosni Mubarak.  A year later Obama would be calling forMubarak’s removal from power) 
Now Libya…Gadaffi was a real sh*t. Sick bastard.  But like Mubarak – he didn’t like the Muslim hardlinersin Libya either.  Especially if they were gonna cause trouble forhim.  So he would intimidate the sh-t out of them too.  At least overthe last decade or so.  Gaddafi had two coming to God moments in hislife.  The first was when Reagan bombed the hell out of his palace. He knew he coulda died then.  He knew the West could come in and take hislife if it wanted.  So he moderated.  Then there was 9-11.  Andwhen Bush went into Iraq and did his thing – they found Hussein and put him ontrial and hung the bastard…that scared the hell out of Gaddafi.  Reallygot inside his head.  So he moderated some more.  He was actually…myunderstanding…he was actually becoming a regular contributor to ourIntel.  By that time he couldn’t stand al Qaeda anymore than wecould.  Maybe less so because they posed an even more direct threat tohim.
And what happens?  The dumbest pile ofsh-t that has ever sat in that White House helps to force Mubarak and Gaddafiout – and we got no real plan for the aftermath.  All kinds of people are telling the administration the MuslimBrotherhood could take over Egypt. Could take over Libya.  Theyeither ignored those warning or that is EXACTLY what they wanted to happen.
They are warned that Gadaffi’s departurewill create more chaos in Libya and there are a sh-tload of weapons that willbe unaccounted for.  That is exactly what happens.  Obama doesn’tgive a sh-t.  Too busy golfing.  Doing the talk shows. Right?  Telling Israel to go f-ck themselves.  Dancing around Iraninstead of punching them right in their f-cking face.  Jarrett is Iranian.  Jarrett has long ties tothe Muslim Brotherhood.  You would think, maybe for one f-cking second,enough people in the media would think maybe – just maybe…we should take acloser look at all this.
What if that ambassador fella…what if hewas killed by weapons sent there by Barack Obama?  Just like you said inthat off-handed way.  And what if there are tens of thousands of thoseweapons being used by al Qaeda right now?  Maybe on their way to theIsraeli border?  And not just guns ‘cause that’s not all we were sendinginto Libya you know.  We’re talking some high powered take down anairliner kinda stuff.
And take it a bit further.  We didthat.  And we did it knowingly.  We did it willingly.  The ObamaWhite House.  Their hand picked stooges in the military, in State. They did that.
Now let me go one little step morehere.  What if that ambassador…well…let’ssay he came across certain information…damaging to the administration. Why is he flying into that consulate in Benghazi?  Cover of night. Nosecurity precautions.  Anti-Western sentiment reaching criticallevels.  It’s almost like he was trying to keep his whereabouts unknown tohis own government.  Right?  And that bullsh-t little YouTube videothing? It had been out for…what – months?  Nobody gave a sh-t aboutit.  NOBODY.
But then it is being used as the spark tostart the fire?  Who did that?  Who would want to get those sand…getthose people are riled up like that?  And the administration – they aresaying it was that video right out of the gate, right?  Like it was a packaged excuse ready to go. Packaged means it was part of something bigger.  A bigger plan,right?
UM:  (Interrupts)  Hold on – Iapologize.  I just want to ask you if this is all your own speculation –or if you received information.  (Military Insider?)  You’re gettingpretty specific here  – and that usually – all the times we’ve donethis…usually  means you received information from another source.
WHI:  This is me.  Just me.
…so like I said…the video thing…it’s partof a packaged plan.  They are running that excuse HARD.  Libyans aresaying it’s bullsh-t. London media…they got a sh-tload of people in Libyatoo who know – there is stuff going on between us and the Brits…they ain’thappy with Obama.  Not all of them.
So basically everyone BUT the Obamaadministration is saying the Benghazi attack was pre-planned, right? Terrorist attack.  And what is Barack Obama doing right at thattime?  He’s flying to Vegas. He’s doing goofy interviews.  His WhiteHouse just keeps repeating the video excuse over and over again.
So is this all just a pile of incompetentsh-t  by the Obama administration?  By Clinton?  Did you noticehow Defense said very little?  And the CIA…Petraeus… has said nothing? In this town, sometimes the ones speaking the loudest are the ones notsaying a word.
UM:  And then we get the “secret”Romney 47% video released.
WHI: Right – right.  Obama wasstarting to take on just a little bit of heat on the Middle East sh-t and thattape comes out.  That thing wasn’t meant to come out this early. Late October, maybe – certainly not now.  But they are so spooked andconfused over the polling data, they released it sooner.  That means theMiddle East situation has them afraid.  People are actually asking somequestions now.  Sniffing around the situation just a bit.  And ifthey get somebody in the military…somebody like that…to go on the record withthis…with whatever had that ambassador acting so strangely right before he waskilled…well-well-well…
UM:  Soyou’re going conspiracy on this?
WHI:  Oh yeah. That was no accidental killing of the ambassador.  And it wasn’t just
al-Qaeda actingalone.  They had approval.  From somebody linked with our sideof the fence.
UM:  And you’re really just speculatinghere?
WHI:  (Pause)
…Sure.  Just me on this…just methinking on Barack Obama – the Butcher of Benghazi.
UM:  That has a ring to it.
WHI:  The truth often does.
UM:  Even if we win thiselection…Obama is defeated.  Is there still time to save thiscountry?  Or are we too far gone?
WHI:  You been talking to the OldMan?  ‘Cause that’s EXACTLY how he put it to me a few days back.  Toofar gone.  Somethin’ about…he went on about muni bonds.  How thatPonzi scheme…how he didn’t think they could stop the collapse.  I don’tunderstand all that sh-t.
You haven’t talked to him?
UM:  No – not recently.
WHI:  Well…he’s…he told me so I don’tthink he’d mind you knowing.
UM:  Knowing what?
WHI:  He’s…how’d he put it?  Closingshop?  Already has the family out you know.  Like he said hewould.  Now he’s getting ready…even with his health…he’s considering goinghimself. Not sure how he’d manage his treatments… He’s about as paranoid asI’ve ever seen him…and that goes back a while.
UM:  Why?  Something…was there aspecific event that got him so spooked?
WHI:  I don’t wanna talk for him –shouldn’t even be talking this much about him.
He said this though…he said…and maybe thisis why he isn’t including you.  For some kind of protection.  Doesn’twant you involved.  He seems determined about something. Not sure whathe’s got planned – but he’s up to somethin’.
…Said people have forgotten that there isboth a loving god and a righteous god and that it’s gonna be a righteous godAmerica is about to meet up with.
UM:  What do you think that’s supposedto mean?
WHI:  Not sure.  It meanssomething – he don’t talk to talk.  But who knows?  He’s lookin’ tomeet up with God soon enough I suppose.
UM:  And he said that the situation is“too far gone” for America?
WHI:  That’s how he put it.  Wordfor word.  That’s why I thought you talked with him recently.
UM:  How about my question – what doYOU think?  Is America too far gone?
WHI:  Hell son…I ain’t never gonnagive up on this old girl.  Her and I…it’s been a lifelong loveaffair.  She’s a tired and cranky b-tch…but so am I.
Semper Fi Motherf-cker.
…I don’t quit.

America's Nazi Secret

By John Loftus

Book review

By Richard E. Noble

"Arab terrorism will continue as long as we continueto import Arab oil.”

This is my second adventure into the world of espionage and Nazi hunting withJohn Loftus.

Make no mistake, this is a very confusing and deceptive business with agents,double agents, triple agents, counter spies, terrorists and most frightening ofall, U.S. government agencies. Mr. Loftus is not appreciated in the world ofgovernments. His books have all been censored for years. He was warned with thethreat of imprisonment not to print certain information in his possessionthirty years ago and has been restricted accordingly.

In this book Mr. Loftus takes on the Justice Department, the CIA, the OSS,the DoD, the State Department, several presidents and numerous bigwigs in thebusiness of espionage and spying.

He names names and gives addresses. There is no doubt in this reader's mindthat this author's life and that of his family has been under constant threatfor many years of his adult life. He is playing with some of the worst peopleon the planet. He is one of a small handful of writers who have taken up thejustifiable cause of exposing Nazis in the United States and around the world.This is a mighty scary business but yet he remains very civil and extremelyunderstanding of people and their mistakes.

The philosophies of Nazism and fascism are philosophies of guiltless slaughter.Unlike socialism and communismwhich are based on idealistic, utopian principles that have been corrupted byunscrupulous individuals, Nazism has no idyllic base. It is a declaredphilosophy of unconscionable acquisition, genocide and murder. I know of no otherpolitical philosophy as horrendous and deserving of suppression.

I see no political prejudice in this author's work. He is harsh to both sidesbut mostly to individuals.

Certain names keep reappearing in these books: the Dulles Brothers, Gehlen, JohnJ. McCloy, Wisner, Cheney, Bush, Bohlen, William Casey, the Carlisle Group,Averell Harriman, George Kennan, Joe McCarthy, Henry Kissinger, General Patton,Ronald Reagan, Radio Free Europe, Rockefeller, Harold and Kim Philby, WilliamDonovan, Edward, the Duke of Windsor and others.

"Of the 15,000 Nazi war criminals officially estimated to have lived inAmerica, fewer than one hundred received any form of mild sanction from theJustice
Department, and that at the staggering cost of more than a half-million dollarsper case. Congress had delivered the money, but Justice never delivered thegoods. Nazi hunting may have been the least effective program in JusticeDepartment History."

This lack of efficiency does not seem to be totally bureaucratic or institutionalbut contrived and purposeful. Most folks dismiss all this lack of desire tocapture and bring ex-Nazi war criminals to justice to the Cold War mentality.But the more I read it seems much more complicated. There is more to thisnegligence than simple anti-communism.

"...the MuslimBrotherhood was the original Arab Nazi movement, working for the Britishintelligence to crush the infant state of Israel. In the 1980s it was hired byAmerican intelligence to recruit the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan, and it is nowthe parent organization of every Sunni terrorist group in the MiddleEast."

The point that there is an Arab/Nazi connection in this Middle East situationdoes not get very much attention or consideration when discussing Middle Eastproblems. But the Arab nations supported Adolf Hitler and his Nazis and theAxis cause during World War Two.

We hear much more about Lawrence of Arabia and his little band of pro-westernsupporters than about a whole world of Arab Nazi enthusiasts. Not too much iswritten or reported on the great bulk of Arab nations and their connection toNazism.

In our own home politics much is made of the connections of the left tosocialism and communism but the obvious links of conservatives to fascism,Nazism and totalitarianism are very rarely discussed.

In this book the author concentrates on the Belarus area of Russia.

Once it was successfully occupied by German forces during WWII large segmentsof the Byelorussian population turned against their own people and becameactive, willing and supportive of the Nazi intruders.

They joined enthusiastically in the slaughter of their own. They participatedin the Nazi occupation government. Certain among them organized mass executionsof area Jews, slaughtering as many as five thousand in one incident. Theyturned in their neighbors, worked in the prisons and extermination camps andapparently relished their new dominance and power over their fellow citizens.They formed armies and fighting organizations who fought shoulder to shoulderand side by side with the Nazis. They were traitors and collaborators.

After World War II they were reorganized into paramilitary groups by USintelligence agencies to prepare for the predicted and inevitable war withRussia. For the most part this was accomplished by a man named Wisner who was aleader and power broker in the US intelligence organization.

The Byelorussians were incorporated into spying networks and as time went onmany, thousands, were smuggled into the United States under one guise oranother.

The author presents detailed documentation of how certain of these warcriminals were brought to the United States and granted citizenship withcomplete government knowledge of their heinous war crimes.

He wants the victims of these murders to receive justice and the governmentagencies and individuals involved in these cover-ups to be investigated andappropriate penalties applied.

He fingers individuals like Emanuel Jasiuk, Jury Sobolewsky, Anton Adamovitch,Mykola Lebed, Radoslaw Ostrowsky, Franz Kushel, and Mikolai Abramtchik.

The author brings to the table a completely different point of view.Typically we see the threat toAmerica and the American way of life via communism.

This author sees the more realistic and vile threat of Nazism.

Since World War II ended and the Nazis' plan for world domination defeated,America has dismissed the Nazi problem as a threat as if all the Nazis havebeen dead and buried. This author indicates that Nazism is alive and well andprominent in the Middle East and dominant among certain Arab groups, the MuslimBrotherhood in particular. It is alive also in South America and in the UnitedStates and Canada.The author closes his book with this insight and hispersonal positive scientific prediction.

"Arab terrorismwill continue as long as we continue to import Arab oil.
A group of us in a group calledLiquid Light, are preparing a bit of a shock for the Arabs. We have found a wayto manufacture the Holy Grail of Alternative Energy, the Indium Gallium NitrideSolar cell (InGaN). Not only does this InGaN solar cell use 100% of the sun'sbandwidth (as opposed to 20% for existing cells) but it can be manufactured socheaply that an InGaN solar cell can produce electricity at two cents perkilowatt hour versus 10-15 cents per KWH for a carbon based power plant."The long dark night of corporate corruption of theJustice Department may be coming to an end."

Richard Edward Noble is a writer and author of "Mein Kampf - Analysisof Book One."

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