29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Joe Banister Interviews “Rite of Sodomy” Author Randy Engel

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Joe BanisterInterviews “Rite of Sodomy” Author Randy Engel

FreedomAbove Fortune was founded by Joseph R. (Joe) Banister, a former IRS CriminalInvestigation Division Special Agent who learned of serious constitutionalquestions relating to the federal income tax and the federal banking andmonetary systems. You’llnotice that the name of this organization is "Freedom Above Fortune"rather than "Freedom Without Fortune" or "Freedom Instead ofFortune". "Freedom Above Fortune" is an organization dedicatedto the concept that no amount of real or perceived economic prosperity("fortune") is worth trading for your liberty. This is not to saythat pursuing economic prosperity is, in and of itself, bad. Rather, it is tosay that those who are willing to put their freedom at risk for a few pieces ofsilver, similar to the manner in which Judas betrayed Jesus Christ, areshortsighted and foolish. Ifyou are willing to sell your freedom for short term financial security, real orperceived, the willingness to sell your very soul can’t be far behind.Mr.Banister’s expertise in the fields of accounting, finance, taxation, and lawenforcement enabled him to not only understand these issues but realize that hecould play a role in bringing the issues into the public arena for analysis anddebate.http://freedomabovefortune.com/index.php______________________________________________________________________________           Randy Engel Joe Banister’s regularSaturday morning radio show on September 28th featured an interview with RandyEngel, one of the nation’s top investigative reporters. Earlier in hercareer, Ms. Engel was known for her reputation as an expert in Vietnamesehistory and her work with Vietnamese refugees, for which she received theDistinguished Service Medal for her service to Vietnam.As a Catholicherself, Randy’s later work led her into the issues of the abortion-relatedeugenics movement, homosexuality in the Catholic Church, and previously unknownproblems with the organ donation industry. The first hourof this morning’s program was devoted to a discussion of her book “The Riteof Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church”. She had becomealarmed at the indications of the existence of conscious efforts to sexually“condition” children in Roman Catholic schools. She was able to link theseefforts to specific Catholic Dioceses in which the homosexual network wasdominant in the clergy. In addition, sheidentified individual high-ranking prelates in the Catholic Church who wereactive homosexuals (including three well-known U.S. Cardinals and at least onerecent Pope), and who had considerable influence in the appointment of Catholicbishops throughout the U.S. She explainedthat not only is this problematic with respect to concerns for the affectedchildren who may be exposed to molestation, but also that her research producedextensive information documenting the heavy use of pornography and drugs byhomosexual clergy.According to Ms.Engel, this behavior represents direct violation of the laws of the Church andthe Christian Faith. It should be treated as unequivocally disqualifying forcontinued service in the Church, yet the Catholic Church has repeatedlyprotected those accused of such conduct, while concealing its own actions tocover up the problem. In her words,she found evidence of “shocking depravity” that was very difficult forher to deal with personally while trying to maintain an objective journalisticperspective on the matters she was investigating.A relatedconcern, which exists as well for homosexuals outside the Church and in themilitary, is the enormous potential for blackmail of individuals who arecarrying on a hidden homosexual life style. The consequences of undiscoveredblackmail can be extremely serious, and can result in widespread injustice anduntold harm to innocent individuals far removed from the original blackmailthreats. Ms. Engel statedemphatically that her research has led her to the firm conclusion that there isno “homosexual gene” and that homosexuality is learnedbehavior.    The second hourwas devoted to a discuss of the rising concerns relating to the organ donationindustry. To no one’ssurprise, the industry is driven by money. There are serious conflicts ofinterest in the hospitals where emergency patients are treated. Many physiciansnow recognize that heart transplant donors are not dead, and this raises veryserious ethical concerns. Once a patient with traumatic injuries arrives at thehospital, he or she is considered a possible organ donor. There are manypotential transplant recipients waiting for organs, and there is big moneyinvolved in the transplantation industry. The pressures to turn the patientinto an organ donor are powerful, and there is evidence that traumatized familymembers may be subjected to inappropriate pressure to agree to organ donation. Physicians willcertainly take issue with Ms. Engel’s conclusions, but there is a growing bodyof opinion in the medical community that her concerns have some merit. Doctors opposedto 'presumed consent' for organ donationsMany doctors areopposed to proposals to "presume consent" for organ donations,warning the radical move could make patients start to fear the NHS, a newsurvey suggests. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/2676275/Doctors-opposed-to-presumed-consent-for-organ-donations.html
CRITICALINFORMATION CONCERNING "BRAIN DEATH" AND ORGAN TRANSPLANTATIONFor over fortyyears there has been a deadly code of silence pertaining to "braindeath." Behind closed doors a controversy raged. Many of those in themedical field opposed this reinvention of death. The controversy continues...

"Brain death" was invented for the sole purpose of organtransplantation, living human medical experimentation and a means in whichmeasures to sustain life could be legally withdrawn. It was the first legalform of euthanasia in the US. This deadly code of silence has been broken.

It is time to inform the Public of the Truth....
Dr Paul Byrne -Can organ transplantation respect life until its natural end? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDaqzBzAGtE&feature=player_embedded
http://lifeguardianfoundation.org/____________________________________________________________________________Ms. Engel’sadvice - GET OFF THE ORGAN DONOR LIST and sign an opt-out card to avoid the new“presumed consent” laws spreading across the country. This is especiallyimportant for young people who are just starting to drive, and who are beingcoerced in the schools to sign organ donor cards. Randy Engel’sweb site has a publication titled “Don’t Give Your Heart Away”:ProductDescriptionLike theabortion industry, the vital organ transplantation industry rests on theutilitarian principle that the end justifies the means. Like the abortionindustry, its nexus is hard, cold cash – billions in hard cold cash. The onlything harder and colder that the cash, is the hearts of the surgeons and staffwho, having come to the knowledge that they must kill a living donor in orderto retrieve a healthy organ for a recipient fellow human being, continue toengage in this medical butchery, and rationalize said killing as justifiable onthe grounds that that the excised organ will be used to save the life ofanother living human being.

Pro-lifers need to make vital organ transplantation a key right to lifeissue because it is a violation of the Natural Moral Law and God’s Commandment– thou shalt not kill.
New EngelPublishing About the Author                  Randy Engel, one ofthe nation’s top investigative reporters, began her journalistic career shortlyafter her graduation from the University of New York at Cortland , in 1961. Aspecialist in Vietnamese history and folklore, in 1963, she became the editorof The Vietnam Journal, the official publication of the Vietnam Refugeeand Information Services, a national relief program in South Vietnam for warrefugees and orphans based in Dayton, Ohio . She recorded for the Voice ofAmerica and Radio Saigon. In 1970, she received the Distinguished ServiceMedal for “exceptional and meritorious service to Vietnam .”                In addition to her writings and relief work on behalf of the VRIS, in themid-1960s, Randy Engel developed an intense interest in pro-life issuesincluding population control, abortion and eugenics, putting her on the groundfloor of the emerging Pro-Life Movement. In 1972, she founded the U.S. Coalition for Life inPittsburgh, Pa. , an international pro-life research and investigative agency,and began editing the USCL’s official publication, the Pro-Life Reporter.Her four-year study on the eugenic policies and programs of the March of Dimestitled “Who Will Defend Michael?” quickly put the USCL on the map as the finestpro-life research agency in the U.S. Her investigative findingsdocumenting the rise of the federal government’s anti-life programs at home andabroad served as the basis for her testimony before Congressional hearings inthe U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Randy Engel’s groundbreakinginvestigative findings related to US/AID abortion and sterilization programs inLatin and South America, Asia and Africa were instrumental in bringing aboutmajor pro-life changes in the Agency for International Development’s foreignassistance programs.          Many of her original research publications for the USCL including “A March ofDimes Primer – the A-Z of Eugenic Abortion,” and “The Pathfinder Fund – A Studyof US/AID Anti-Life Funding” have become pro-life classics and continue toenjoy wide circulation.                 In 1995, the veteran pro-life researcher exposed the long-standing eugenicabortion record of Dr. Henry Foster, President Bill Clinton’s nominee for U.S.Surgeon General, resulting in the Senate’s failure to approve thenomination.                  Sex Education – The Final Plague, Randy Engel’s first full-length book onthe sexual conditioning of Catholic school children was published by Human LifeInternational (Baltimore, MD) in 1989 and later by Tan Publishers ( Rockville,IL ). Her second book, The McHugh Chronicles – Who Betrayed the Pro-LifeMovement? was published in 1997, while she continued to gather researchingmaterial and conduct interviews for The Rite of Sodomy.                Over the lastforty years, Randy Engel’s articles, have appeared in numerous Catholicpublications including Liguorian Magazine, Our Sunday Visitor,The Wanderer, Catholic Family News and the Homiletic andPastoral Review.She has received numerous awards for excellence in investigative journalismincluding the prestigious Linacre Quarterly Award for Distinguished Writing bythe Catholic Medical Association.                Meticulous documentation and references and easy readability are the hallmarksof Randy Engel’s investigative writings, and The Rite of Sodomy - Homosexualityand the Roman Catholic Church is no exception to the rule. The 1,318-pagetext contains over 3000 endnotes, a bibliography of over 350 books, is fullyindexed and reads like a top-flight mystery thriller – except that it is notfiction – it is true.  http://www.newengelpublishing.com/pages/About-Author.html

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