23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Poofness - 9-23-12 ON THE ROAD AGAIN

Hello All:
                    Its not always easy figering out what poof says, but I think he is saying it isclose.
                                          God Bless   Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart > Subject: Fwd: On the Road Again
> Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 17:26:39 -0400
> From: 2goforth@Safe-mail.net
> To: 2goforth@Safe-mail.net
> -------- Original Message --------
> From: 2goforth@Safe-mail.net
> To: 2goforth@Safe-mail.net
> Subject: On the Road Again
> Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 17:04:04 -0400
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AzEY6ZqkuE
> Harry Nilsson
> Everybody's Talking At Me Lyrics
> Everybody's talking at me.
> I don't hear a word they're saying,
> Only the echoes of my mind.
> People stopping staring,
> I can't see their faces,
> Only the shadows of their eyes.
> I'm going where the sun keeps shining
> Thru' the pouring rain,
> Going where the weather suits my clothes,
> Backing off of the North East wind,
> Sailing on summer breeze
> And skipping over the ocean like a stone.
> I'm going where the sun keeps shining
> Thru' the pouring rain,
> Going where the weather suits my clothes,
> Backing off of the North East wind,
> Sailing on summer breeze
> And skipping over the ocean like a stone
> Greetings and Salutations;
> Used to be, folks would just nod their and concede, I was 'whacked'talking about something economically impossible, shift the wealth of theworld??? Well your daft, sir. Hrrumph Hrrumph. Now the talking heads areresponding directly on broadcasts and everything. Remember, back in ez boarddays? I said I would slice and dice the rumors and expose them for publicridicule, to be mocked and spat upon? It ain't easy being cheesy. The best isseeing the stuff I was talking about, materializing for all to see. It's takena while but, 'resistance is futile...stand down to be assimilated'. You see,that change is afoot is beyond question, the only debate out here has to withwho's doing it. Everybody is waving their arms around, it's me, no, it's me, Igot control! and you're not getting a cowpatty on a warm day, in west texaswhen it's raining. Or like a little girl used to say in grade school , 'youthink you're hot shit on a silver platter, but, you're nothing but colddiarrhea on a paper plate'. Such cussing comin' out her mouth...must have beenan interesting home life for her. But, she grew up to become stunning. Gofigure. She could cuss with penache...lololol.
> The old folks always said, if they are talking about you in, whateverform, you're making a difference, they keep you relevant. So, Bless them andmove on. I was told to tell you folks to 'stay close' despite the delay createdby a socialist country in an effort to get more tax money, something that wasalready taken care of by it's former president. Breaking a treaty. Many behindsare being seen fully exposed to the world for all the moles and blemishes uponthem. Boxers know the term 'head fake', well the bad guys got a head fake, socomplete, I was getting non rumor folks saying the drops were out. I gotta failsafe method of knowing and non of my trips wires went off so, that went intofile 13. If you're greedy, you will not succeed no mater what clever games youcome up with. I know of a very powerful person in the east, who thought he wasrunning the show, he got shown, he wasn't running anything but running his feetto get him to the toilet on time. This is a lot like pulling the wings off offlies and making them walk. Yea, I got a 'sick' side but watching theseso-called smart guys shoot themselves in the foot for so long...it has'effected' my good disposition.
> Peace be upon everybody out there who's reading this, stand by, victory ishere. It may dramatic for some, others will 'see' it and walk away, only toohappy to be done with it all. I'm one of them. This happens and the unbelieverswill still be writing blogs or whatever, saying what a ludicrous thing this allwas. As the man said, 'you can't fix stupid'. These are unusual times and yourcritical thinking has to adjust to it, the old grey mare ain't what she used tobe. Get in the way at your own risk.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vz5HBbRH4Mlololol who's 68 now
> http://www.google.com/search?q=Jagger+on+stage&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=imvnsfd&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hnVfUILeCYWK8QSdi4GwBg&ved=0CCwQsAQ&biw=1440&bih=701
> Love and Kisses,
> Poofness

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