23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

CANCELLED FLIGHT....Very Important To Keep this going

Subject: CANCELLED FLIGHT....Very Important To Keep thisgoing

> pretty scarry
> WHAT WOULD YOU DO INSUCH A SITUATION?????????????????????????????
>>> Subject:CANCELLED FLIGHT....Very Important To Keep this going
>>> This was sentto me... do what you like with it.....
>> > In myopinion, the Muslims are all getting very brave now. Read Tedd
>> Petruna's storybelow. Can you imagine, our own news media now are so
>> politicallycorrect that they are afraid to report that these were all
>> Muslims?Unbelievable. Thank God for people like Tedd Petruna.
>> I, Gene Hackemack,received this email from my good friend Tedd
>> Petruna. He is, adiver at the NBL (Neutral Buoyancy Lab) facility at
>> NASA Houston. Iused to work with Tedd who happened to be on the
>> AirTran Flight297, from Atlanta to Houston.
>> "One weekago, I went to Ohio on business and to see my father. On
>> Tuesday, the 17th,I returned home. If you read the papers
>> the 18th
>> you may have seena blurb about where an Air Tran flight was canceled
>> from Atlanta toHouston due to a man who refused to get off of his cell
>> phone before take-off.. The story was only on Fox News. That was NOT
>> what reallyhappened.
>> I was seated in1st class coming home. Eleven Muslim men got on the
>> plane in fullMuslim attire. Two of them sat in 1st class and the rest
>> seated themselvesthroughout the plane, in coach class, all the way to
>> the back. As theplane taxied out to the runway, the stewardesses gave
>> the safety spielthat we are all so familiar with.
>> At that time, oneof the men, in 1st class, got on his cell and called
>> one of his
>> companions back incoach. He proceeded to talk on the phone
>> in Arabic veryloudly and very, very aggressively. This activity took
>> the 1st stewardessout of action for she repeatedly told the man that
>> cell phones werenot permitted at that time. He ignored her as if she
>> were not there.The man, who answered the phone back in the coach
>> section, did thesame and this took out the 2nd stewardess. Further
>> back in the plane,at the same time, two younger Muslims, one in the
>> back on the aisle,and one sitting in front of him by the window, began
>> to show footage ofa porno video they had taped the night before. They
>> were very loudabout it.
>> Now, Muslim menare only permitted to view porno women prior to Jihad.
>> If a
>> Muslim man goesinto a strip club, he has to view the woman via
>> mirror with hisback to her. (Don't ask me, I don't make the rules,
>> but I've studiedMuslims.)
>> The 3rd stewardessinformed the two men that they were not to have
>> electronic deviceson at this time.
>> One of the mensaid "shut up infidel dog!"
>> The stewardessattempted to take the camcorder and the Muslim began to
>> scream in her facein Arabic. At that exact moment, all eleven of the
>> men got up and startedto walk throughout the cabin. I guess that
>> because of thenoise, the flight crew must have decided that there was
>> something amissand changed the plane's directions to head back to
>> the
>> terminal.
>> The commotion andnoise was reaching a feverish pitch, and at this
>> point I had hadenough! I got up and started towards the back of 1st
>> class, when Iheard a voice behind me, from another Texan twice my
>> size, say "Igot your back." Then I grabbed the man, who had been on
>> the cell phone, bythe arm and said "You WILL sit down in your seat or
>> you WILL be thrownfrom this plane!" As I "led" him around me to take
>> his seat, thefellow Texan grabbed him by the back of his neck and his
>> waist and headedhim back to his seat. I then grabbed the 2nd man and
>> said, "YouWILL do the same!"
>> He protestedloudly, but my adrenaline was flowing now and he was going
>> to go also.
>> Just as I escortedhim forward, the plane stopped, the
>> doors opened andthree TSA agents and four police officers entered the
>> cabin. Myself andmy new Texas friend were told to cease and desist
>> for they had thesituation under control.
>> I was quite happyto oblige actually. There was still some sort of
>> commotion in theback, but within moments, all eleven Muslim men were
>> escorted off theplane. The TSA agents then had their luggage
>> unloaded. Wetalked about the occurrence and were in disbelief that it
>> had happened.
>> Then suddenly, thedoor opened again and in walked all eleven Muslim
>> men! Stone faced,eyes front and robotic, (the only way I can describe
>> it) they werereseated.
>> The stewardessfrom the back had been in tears
>> and when she sawthe men, she was having NONE of it! Since I was up
>> front, I heard andsaw the whole ordeal. She told the TSA agents that
>> there was NO WAYshe was staying on the plane with the Muslim men. The
>> agent told herthat they had searched the men and were going through
>> their luggage witha fine tooth comb. However, nothing had been found
>> and that the menwere allowed to proceed on to Houston.
>> The captain andco-captain came out of the cockpit and told the agent,
>> "We and ourcrew will not fly this plane!" After a word or two, the
>> entire crew,luggage in tow, left the plane. Five minutes later, the
>> cabin door openedagain and a whole new crew walked on. Again,
>> this
>> was where I hadhad enough! I got up and asked the TSA agent, "What
>> the hell is goingon?
>> I was told to takemy seat. The airlines and TSA were sorry for the
>> delay and we wouldbe home shortly. I said "I'm getting off this
>> plane". Thestewardess sternly told me that she could not allow me to
>> get off. Now I'mreally mad! I said "I am a grown man who bought this
>> ticket, who's timeis mine with a family at home and I am going through
>> that door, or I'mgoing through that door with you under my arm, but I
>> AM going throughthat door!"
>> And then I heard avoice behind me say "So am I!" Then everyone behind
>> us started to getup and say the same thing. Within two minutes,
>> I was
>> walking off thatplane where I was met by more TSA agents who asked me
>> to write astatement about the incident. I had five hours to kill at
>> this point waitingfor the next flight to Houston, so why the hell not
>> give them mystatement. Due to the amount of people who got off that
>> flight, it wascanceled. I was supposed to be in Houston at 6 PM, but
>> I finally got thereat 12:30 AM. If you don't believe this, look up
>> the date and thenFlight 297 from Atlanta to Houston.
>> If this wasn't aterrorism dry run, I don't know what one is. The
>> terrorists wantedto see how TSA would handle it, how the crew would
>> handle it, and howthe passengers would handle it. I'm telling this to
>> you because I wantyou to know. The
>> threat IS real. Isaw it with my
>> own eyes."
>> Tedd Petruna
>> I suggest you keepthis going until this incident reaches the email of
>> all POLITICIANSand the news media!

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