29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi


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from The Noetic Digest...
St. Malachy's predictions can begoogled.ASTROLOGER PREDICTS ROMNEY WIN AND ANEW POPE
tags: New Pope 2012, Petrus Romanus,PresidentRomney?, USelection 2012Of the previous eightelected presidents of the USA who sought a second term, only two have not beenreturned to office: Jimmy Carter and George Bush (senior). So it should followthat President Obama has every chance of being re-elected. However according toastrologer Donal Holland, the unfolding of Barack Obama’s astrologicalbirth-chart for the election 2012 and the inauguration 2013 shows in nouncertain terms that he will fail to win a second term.

And Holland has a good track record. He was spot on in his predictions for boththe Irish and French presidential elections.
Furthermore he also predicts a new Pope in Vatican city by November 2012!
But first to Obama. According to Holland:
Obama’s office, Solar Return lordMC, Jupiter (Gemini 10.51) falls on royal fixed star Aldebaran (Gemini 10).Because Aldebaran is a first class magnitude star of Mars nature it can bedeeply unpleasant. Having this unpleasantness therefore informing hissignificator of office in the year of an election can only bode ill for hisre-election to the presidency.
He goes on to point out that:The testimonies from the chart forthe Lunar Return that governs Inauguration Day, 21 January 2013 are much moreconvincing. The Lunar Return’s most striking and significant testimony is lord1, Mars (Capricorn 29.38) about to experience a major loss of dignity as itplunges from exaltation in Capricorn into a complete absence of dignity inAquarius. For Obama to undergo such a significant drop in dignity, and fromsuch an elevated height, and what is crucial, to experience it in the LunarReturn that presides over Inauguration Day when a change of leadership ispotentially enacted, must mean he is stepping down from his exalted position asthe in-coming president takes office.
And the same chart also describes a similar uncomfortable change ofcircumstance for his wife Michelle, represented by lord 7, Venus (Sagittarius11.4). Venus is on the powerful and malefic fixed star Antares (Sagittarius 10)in the constellation of the Scorpion that brought down proud, boastful andworldly Orion (stinging him to death). Accordingly Antares denotes endings,especially for those in powerful worldly positions. For Michelle Obama then,holder of the worldly title, First Lady, to have Antares on her significator inthe Lunar Return that covers Inauguration Day, must signal her vacating herpowerful position and leaving behind her life of privilege. It is preciselythis specific experience of loss by his wife in this critical month of the transferof power that underpins the claim that President Obama will leave office,January 2013.
So interesting times ahead forRomney perhaps? Read Holland’s full analysis here

Now on to the Vatican!

Papal succession has always been of interest to fans of prediction, largelyowing to the famous papal prophesies of St Malachy. According to Tom Horn andChris Putnam, authors of Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here:
For more than 800 years scholarshave pointed to the dark augury having to do with “the last Pope.” Theprophecy, taken from St. Malachy’s “Prophecy of the Popes,” is among a list ofverses predicting each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope Celestine II tothe final pope, PetrusRomanus or “Peter the Roman,” whose reign would end in thedestruction of Rome.

First published in 1595, the prophecies were attributed to St. Malachy by aBenedictine historian named Arnold de Wyon, who recorded them in his book,Lignum Vitæ. Tradition holds that Malachy had been called to Rome by PopeInnocent II, and while there, he experienced the vision of the future popes,including the last one, which he wrote down in a series of cryptic phrases.

According to the prophecy, the next pope(following Benedict XVI) is to be the final pontiff, Petrus Romanus or Peterthe Roman. The idea by some Catholics that the next pope on St. Malachy’s listheralds the beginning of “great apostasy” followed by “great tribulation” setsthe stage for the imminent unfolding of apocalyptic events, something manynon-Catholics would agree with.

This would give rise to a false prophet, whoaccording to the book of Revelation leads the world’s religious communitiesinto embracing a political leader known as Antichrist.

In recent history, several Catholicpriests–some deceased now–have been surprisingly outspoken on what they haveseen as this inevitable danger rising from within the ranks of Catholicism as aresult of secret satanic “Illuminati-Masonic” influences.

These priests claim secret knowledge of an multinational power elite and occulthierarchy operating behind supranatural and global political machinations.Among this secret society are sinister false Catholic infiltrators who understandthat, as the Roman Catholic Church represents one-sixth of the world’spopulation and over half of all Christians, it is indispensable for controllingfuture global elements in matters of church and state and the fulfillment of adiabolical plan they call “Alta Vendita,” which is set to assume control of thepapacy and to help the False Prophet deceive the world’s faithful (includingCatholics) into worshipping Antichrist.

As stated by Dr. Michael Lake on the frontcover, Catholic and evangelical scholars have dreaded this moment forcenturies. Unfortunately, as readers will learn, time for avoiding Peter theRoman just ran out.
All very dramatic! However Horn andPutnam’s book is an interesting read and may have astrological validation ifHolland is yet again on the money. He claims that the next conclave will beupon us in the period 17 September – 14 October 2012.
According to Holland:
The significant progressed factor inBenedict’s chart flagging up the time of his death (in broad terms) is hisprogressed Asc (Cancer 15.08) conjunct fixed star Canopus (Cancer 15)representing an oar in the ship, the Argo.
It is named in honour of King Menelaus’ helmsman who died of a snake bite whenhis ship ran aground. The church, of course, has from earliest times beensymbolised by the ship which navigates over the sea of the desire nature.Subjugation to the desire nature is a necessary condition of our humanexistence. Hence while Jesus walks on water, Peter sinks (Matthew 14:26-31).

In order then not to drown in the desires Peter needs a boat. And this has cometo be associated with the church. Even the actual building carries a referenceto this because the nave in a church derives from the Latin ‘navis’ (ship).
And significantly, as they struggle with their storm tossed barque on the seaof Galilee, the first leader of the Catholic church, Peter, along with hiscrew, the apostles, need reminding that the ship was, and will always be,watched over (Mark 4:35-41).

So, if the church is a ship piloted by Peter, it appears ominously significantthat the chart of Pope Benedict XVI, the helmsman of the church, powerfullyhighlights the distinguished helmsman, Canopus, notable for his death. Canopustherefore is an illuminating testimony to Benedict’s death in the near future.
So interesting times ahead maybe. Toread more see Dr Holland’s full analysis here. (astrodot.wordpress.com)

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