17 Şubat 2013 Pazar

What is the meaning of this?

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Whatis the meaning of this?
OurAmerican flag, reversed and upside down for all to see
Barack Obama delivering State of the Union address beforeCongress – Feb 12, 2013
Loved this article. (See link below)
David's (Icke) description of the fascist symbols wasamazing. But when I looked again at this picture of Obama something struck me.
I thought, why is the flag hanging down sideways instead ofacross? Why not just hang the flag in its normal position?
There was plenty of room behind him to hang the flagnormally.
When I mentally shifted it into its proper position Icould clearly see that it was NOT an American flag. It was distorted in anodd way, with the stars either upside down or backwards depending on how youlook at it.

Somewhere along the way, I had heard something about Satanism and reversedsymbols. After a quick search I found that, according to several sources,Satanists do use reversed symbols, such as the pentagram and also the cross.Not to be outdone, the Nazi's swastika turns out also to be a reversed symbol.
What is the meaning of this? Our American flag, reversed and upside down forall to see. What kind of vibration does this send to the American and worldpsyche?
How can Obama get away with this utter disdain for theAmerican people, lying to us in front of a distorted symbol of our once greatnation and all of its noble ideals.

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