11 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

2012 Bully Pulpit Traffic Recap

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Here is a chart showing the reader activity on the Bully Pulpit as of January 4, 2013.  This chart is from StatCounter.  As you can see, the 2012 numbers surpassed 2011 numbers in every category. 

I have not posted as consistently lately which probably explains the lower numbers in 2011 since I began a full time work which took away from my time to post as much as I could have done so.

I am going back an posting some of my articles that have not appeared on the blog prior.  For example, if you read the last two posting prior to this you can read two of my articles in the Gospel Advocate

I am very thankful to Albert Farley, Editor of The West Virginia Christian, for giving me the opportunity to write numerous book reviews for the paper.  The bulk of the material relating to book reviews is because of Albert and my father's encouragement to write these.

I am thankful for your continued interest in the blog. May 2013 be a wonderful New Year for us all!

David R. Kenney

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