22 Şubat 2013 Cuma

OPPT Media Press Release of 2-4-13…”The Public Trust Forecloses on Major Corporations, Including Banks”

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OPPT Media Press Release of 2-4-13…”The Public Trust Forecloses on Major Corporations, Including Banks”I don't know if this is real, however, the links provide a ton of info for each country....and it certainly looks legit.

[Posted at 11:11 PM HST] This is the press release, plus a bonus “corporation countries” list at the end. This was just released today, and sent to a large number of media outlets. As the RTS article about this stated,

“This is the first official Press Release about the OPPT. Take it and run with it! Please send it to your local main stream media, college news papers, community papers, radio stations, TV stations… It’s time to let the world know!”

Below the press release is a list of corporation countries, etc., which I have expanded upon, below the text of the release itself.

Click here for a pdf copy of the release..

[link to www.spirit.kauwila.net] 

To better understand read this:

[link to www.lisamharrison.com]

then listen to this:

[link to www.blogtalkradio.com]
This is the best explanation of OPPT. I have been following it, and at first I did not believe it either, but now I do. You can get the actual filings at gov. site.

[link to wakeup-world.com]

This is it boys and girls.....WE Are Free
[link to www.removingtheshackles.blogspot.com]

Everything is here [link to www.peoplestrust1776.org]

Here you will find the cliff notes in English:
[link to removingtheshackles.net]


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