5 Şubat 2013 Salı

Sola Scriptura (Brief & PhD Edit)

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From my PhD a Biblical, Reformed view that I hold to, that within my requested post-Viva revisions was contrasted with Roman Catholic theology.

The doctrine of sola scriptura[1] is the Reformed and Protestant counter to the traditionalism of the Roman Catholic Church.[2] This concept was originally applied by Reformers to particular Roman Catholic doctrines assumed to be over influenced by tradition.[3] Franke with a strong statement indicates the Reformers reasoned that Christian theology must be subject only to the direct authority of God through the Scripture, and not by any human authority or creeds.[4] Their hope was to minimize human interpretation of Scripture.[5] Weber reasons the Reformation standard of sola scriptura firmly upheld Reformed views against counter propositions.[6] The Scripture is authoritative because it is the vehicle by which the Holy Spirit speaks, and therefore has divine authority.[7] The Bible is the product of the Christian community that produced it under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.[8] As Anglican Rowan Williams states, ‘Revelation is the statement of God’s autonomy.’[9] God explains who he is and becomes his own ‘alter ego’ as Christ.[10] Roman Catholic theologian Alan Schreck states his Church agrees that the Bible is the inspired word of God,[11] but does not believe that the Bible is the only source of Revelation and spiritual guidance for Christians.[12] A dividing point between Protestants and Catholics comes with Schreck’s idea that God within Catholic thought continues to select certain individuals that teach with God’s authority through the Holy Spirit.[13] Protestant and those within the Reformed camp have, at times throughout history disagreed, with the Biblical and theological interpretations of certain Roman Catholic leaders, in particular the Pope,[14] believed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.[15]
 [1] Scripture alone. Schreck (1984: 41). This is the English translation from Latin.
 [2] Franke (2005: 147).
 [3] Franke (2005: 147). John Calvin warns of the danger of appealing to tradition at the expense of Scripture. He implies this insults the Holy Spirit. Calvin (1543)(1996: 50).
 [4] Franke (2005: 149). This is somewhat overstated, although true in general terms. For example, Calvin appeals to Augustine and tradition in his defence against free will theory and Albert Pighius. Tradition has a function in Reformed theology but is to be tested by Scripture at all times. Calvin (1543)(1996: 64).
 [5] Franke (2005: 149). Calvin (1543)(1996: 64).
 [6] Weber (1955)(1981: 113-114).
 [7] Franke (2005: 150). Lindsell (1976: 28-40).
 [8] Franke (2005: 151). Lindsell (1976: 28-40).
 [9] Williams (2007: 116).
 [10] Williams (2007: 116).
 [11] Schreck (1984: 41).
 [12] Schreck (1984: 42). Strictly speaking as noted, those in Reformed theology do trust in non-Biblical truths for spiritual guidance. Calvin admitted this in the context of Scripture and tradition. Calvin (1543)(1996: 64). I should also add that any reliance on philosophy and philosophy of religion is not strictly Biblical and I and many Reformed scholars look to philosophy for truth.
 [13] Schreck (1984: 42).
 [14] Calvin explains, within The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, his opinion that at that point in history the Papacy was beyond Reform. Calvin (1543)(1996: 17).
 [15] Schreck (1984: 42).

CALVIN, JOHN (1543)(1996) The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, Translated by G.I. Davies, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

FRANKE, JOHN R. (2005) The Character of Theology, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids.

LINDSELL, HAROLD (1976) The Battle for the Bible, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House. 

SCHRECK, ALAN (1984) Catholic and Christian, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Servant Books.

WEBER, OTTO (1955)(1981) Foundations of Dogmatics, Volumes 1 and 2, Translated and annotated by Darrell L. Guder, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

WILLIAMS, ROWAN (2007) Wrestling with Angels, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids.

From Sodahead.com-From a Christian perspective, Biblically I would agree, especially for a daughter under the age of 18 years of age,  which in our modern world is basically universally legally I reason, considered romantic adulthood, this is the rightful act and duty of a very loving and caring, responsible Christian Father. Having been online now with blogging for nine years and having learned more about American Evangelical, sometimes fundamentalist culture,  being admittedly naive previously, I think there are some concerns. Carrying a strong view of a very well-meaning loving Father protecting his Christian daughter into adulthood, does this really mean there is Biblically a mandate that he should determine whom she should date or marry in Christ? If so, I do not see it anywhere in the Bible.  It would require a reaching theological construct. Rather the very well-meaning and loving Father of an adult Christian daughter should continue to guide his daughter to avoid sexual sin, and to find a Godly, suitable mate, not a non-Christian, which is a great and serious danger today for many and this guidance takes even more knowledge and wisdom today with the advent of a post-Christian West and the internet. A hundred years ago, in a more Christianized West a suitable mate could likely much more easily be found in the local culture, the local city/town, at a local church, but now, especially for intellectuals this could be difficult and means possibly finding someone outside of one's own culture,  race, age, nation and other social norms may be a prayerful consideration, at least for some.  I have seen this as I had good Christian friends of mine experience this type of scenario, my male friend being from England and my female friend being from the United States with a fundamentalist background, and things are fine now, but at first because of her parents, with loving protective intentions for her, things were very, very difficult. And yes the two friends are very intellectual and educated. This was my introduction to this cultural type of thinking which I would later come across again via my journey on thousands of Blogger blogs.

From Sodahead.com-According to Romans 1-6 all are sinful, so I will give the atheist a break...I will state sinful persons threaten human civilization...
Sodahead.com-In line with the other two...

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