8 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

Versions Available in Android Bible Apps

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Android Bible Apps Available Versions as of2012.09.06

 Apps surveyed (with links to install):
  • ANDBible
  • Biblia.com
  • CadreBible
  • Logos
  • MySword
  • Olive Tree
  • PocketBible
  • YouVersion
I am working toward updated and fuller reviews of thevarious Bible apps for Android, but in the meantime, I've collated lists ofBible versions that are available in each. Note that my listing is somewhateclectic in including only English translations I regard as significant alongwith Greek, Hebrew, and Latin original texts. Each of the apps offers many othertexts in other languages that I do not include here. I am also not evaluatingthe functionality of the app at this time except that I note instances whereaccented Greek is not displayed properly. Also note that I am highlighting whatis available for free in each of the apps, but if you want more and better resources,they can be purchased. You should especially look at the offerings from CadreBible,Logos (and the associated Biblia.com), and Olive Tree.
You can see the full listing of available versions for eachapp HERE (DOCX / PDF) which also includes prices for additional versions. Otherwise I havesummarized my results below. As usual, if  you happen to stumble upon this pagea couple years down the line, note that probably everything has changed!


· If you are mainly interested in consulting avariety of useful English translations, YouVersion is clearly the app touse. In addition to all the versions, it also includes access to the NET Biblewith all its excellent notes. Some versions—e.g., the NRSV—are only availablefor purchase or via  a web browser.If you are interested in looking at Greektexts:
  • For the Septuagint (LXX), MySword isyour best choice and even has a version that is parsed and linked to Strong's.
  • The NestleAland or UBS texts are onlyavailable for purchase in some of the apps. A good and free alternative is theSBL GNT which was sponsored by Logos. The SBL GNT is available in CadreBible,Logos, MySword, and OliveTree. (I wish I could includeYouVersion here, but I cannot get the accented Greek to display properly.)
  • Most apps have some edition of the TextusReceptus or Byzantine text or some other early critical edition (Westcott-Hortor Tischendorf). Among them, your best choice is probably MySword sinceit also includes Scriveners (1894) parsed and linked with Strong's.
· If you are interested in texts of the HebrewBible / OT, the standard BHS text is only available for purchase in a few apps.Some acceptable alternative texts (Aleppo or Leningrad) are available in MySword,CadreBible, and Olive Tree. I'm watching ANDBible to see what comes oftheir promised Open Scriptures Morphological Hebrew Bible that is linked withStrong's.· For Latin, some edition of the Vulgate isavailable in ANDBible, CadreBible, MySword, Logos, Olive Tree, and Biblia.com.
Summary of Versions available:


·        NRSV: The NRSV is not available forfree in any Android app. The cheapest way to get it is either in Olive Tree oras part of a Logos library.It's also available for CadreBible. If youhave web access, you can read the NRSV at Biblia.com,BibleStudyTools, or the Oremus Bible Browser.·        The NET Bible:  The NET is availablewith limited notes in many of the apps. It's available for free in YouVersionand at Biblia.com. It can be purchased forOlive Tree, Logos, or CadreBible.·        KJV linked to Strong's: for purchase inCadreBible and Olive Tree·        Other English versions worth consulting:o  ANDBible: ESV, Lexham, translations ofPeshitto NTo  Biblia.com: ESV, Good News, HCSB,Lexham,Message, NASB, NIV, NLTo  Logos: ESV, Good News, HCSB, Lexham, NASB,NLTo  MySword: Lexham, LXX Brentono  YouVersion: CEB, CEV, ESV, Good News, HCSB,Lexham, Message, NASB, NIV, NLT, TNIV

Greek (with correct display of accented letters)

·        LXX: ANDBible ,CadreBible, MySword·        LXX Parsed/Strongs: MySword·        SBLGNT: Biblia.com, CadreBible,Logos, MySword, OliveTree·        NestleAland: available for purchase in CadreBible,Logos, OliveTree·        Westcott-Hort: ANDBible, CadreBible,Logos  ·        Some version of Textus Receptus orByzantine: ANDBible, CadreBible, Logos, Olive Tree, MySword·        Some Greek NT parsed/Strong's: ANDBible,MySword


·        BHS:  available for purchase in CadreBible,Logos, Olive Tree·        Other Hebrew Bible (Aleppo and/orLeningrad): ANDBible, MySword, CadreBible, Olive Tree


·        Vulgate: ANDBible, CadreBible, MySword,Logos, Olive Tree, Biblia.com

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