7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

To Whom It May Concern

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So now you're sending flowers and reputation points to Ray? Do you know how confusing it is to be harshly condemened for thinking correctly by self-appointed judges, but when the judges suddenly change their minds, they don't tell you about it and instead start condemning you for something else? By the time Danny got straightened out, I was completely lost, albeit not hopelessly, and back at the starting point. (That's fine, because I believe that we learn much better through correction. The truth really sticks that way, so no harm done on my end. Also, I have only one Judge.) But why was I never told that you and Dan were in disagreement about such an important aspect of our white hot debate? And that you were trying to help him understand as you supposedly understand now? I never knew that! I thought you two were in sync all along. But you also flip-flopped. What was that flip-flop about? I don't know, but it was something.
Did I not, at one time, argue just as Ray is arguing? So where are my roses? Why did you send flowers to Ray? Flowers??? Simply because he disagreed with your former friend Joseph who, by the way, also flip-flopped? You kiss virtual backsides of your opponents just to gain support against others and it's not a pretty sight. Did you also send Ray flowers for patting you on the head for inching closer to his viewpoint? Looks like we can all wait and see if Ray and your teacher will ultimately decide that the whole debate is a matter of semantics so that you can all be united as one. (I don't believe it is simply a matter of semantics, but that's besides the point.) And what else does your teacher believe? Do you have any idea at all? No? And yet, he calls you "brother". The problem with bro's is that they always cover for each other.
P.S. Those rep points are silly.
Lu 6:26  Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
Another problem with those points is that, even if they meant something and even if believers were to seek to enhance their reputations amongst Churchites, they can never be taken back. They are forever.
P.P.S. Your teacher's wife showing up in his absence was very entertaining.

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