7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

The "Doubling" of Isaiah 40:2

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After reading a load of gobbledegook in a JR Carman blog post promoting the very sad teaching of a pre-creation atonement, I became curious about Isaiah 40:2's "doubling" of Jersalem's sins which JR cited in his "Atonement" article. I pondered and pondered this verse over and over again, because I was sure the doubling could not be related to JR's demonstration of the cross nonsense which he learned from Harold Camping.

Isa 40:2  Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD’S hand double for all her sins.

In this verse we first read about comfort and a pardon, but what follows sounds like the opposite: Judgment. What is going on?

I wasn't able to crack the code of this verse from the Hebrew word "kephel" translated as "double" in Isaiah 40:2, but I found a reasonable explanation of the word HERE. And so, after a bit of patient perseverance and searching, Isaiah 40:2 finally makes sense to me.

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